A new treatment for erectile dysfunction that works within 10 minutes and can be used by men who are unable to take Viagra has just launched in the UK. The gel, called Eroxon, does not require a prescription and is clinically proven to work in men with mild to severe erectile dysfunction.
Dr Hilary Jones says: “The word ‘breakthrough’ is often used in health headlines, but new treatments which are truly groundbreaking come along far less frequently. Eroxon is an innovative therapy which has the potential to change the lives of millions of men with erectile dysfunction.”
The gel is applied to the head of the penis and has a unique evaporative action that stimulates vascular and neural nerve endings by rapidly cooling and warming the area. This triggers the release of nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, increases blood flow to the penis and leads to an erection.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) medicines such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, known as PDE5is, work on the same nitric oxide pathway. But because they are taken orally, they dilate blood vessels throughout the body and this can cause a wide range of side effects including migraines, nausea and dizziness.

This all-body effect also means these ED drugs can’t be used by men with some pre-existing health conditions including heart and liver disease or a recent history of stroke, and they cannot be taken alongside some prescription medicines.
Dr Catherine Hood, a specialist in sexual health, says: “When they were launched back in the 1990s, PDE5i medicines were a game-changer, but they are not an option for many men due to pre-existing health conditions, interactions with their prescription medicines or simply because of the time they take to work.”
One study found that despite their effectiveness, around half the men who use PDE5i medicines stop taking them.
Charles Wilson, 62, a sales manager from North London who was prescribed one of these medicines after being diagnosed with ED five years ago, says: “It worked, but it didn’t always work for us as a couple. It was better than nothing, but we didn’t like the delay.
“Because it took 45minutes to an hour to work, the spontaneity of lovemaking was not there. The delay in it working could sometimes be superseded by other events in our lives – or my wife had fallen asleep.”
Charles admits he was sceptical when he signed up for a user trial of Eroxon, but says: “It’s a whole different experience. I apply it, we have a kiss and a cuddle and we’re ready to go.
“It feels much more natural, as if I was a young man again.
“I can also give it to my wife to apply– it’s much more natural and spontaneous. It feels slightly cooling, it’s not unpleasant at all. Less than 10minutes later we are ready to go.”
Like Viagra, which was originally developed as a potential treatment for high blood pressure until men on the early trials began reporting unexpected and welcome side-effects, Eroxon was born out of an accidental discovery.
Researchers at Futura Medical, the UK pharmaceutical company behind the new gel, were investigating whether ED could be treated with topical applications of an angina medicine which increases blood flow.
In order to accelerate absorption of the angina drug and ensure that no residue remained on the penis, they first had to create a carrier gel which evaporated within minutes. This gel was also used as a placebo in a clinical trial of the angina gel. But researchers were astonished to discover that the supposed placebo gel and the angina gel were both equally effective.

A patent was lodged for the DermaSys technology behind the new evaporative action and the gel, now known as Eroxon, was put to the test in a 12-week clinical trial in 250 men with mild to severe ED. Two out of three reported a significant improvement in their ability to achieve and maintain an erection, and in men with severe ED this climbed to 80 per cent.
To rule out the possibility that this was simply the result of an inert gel being massaged into the penis, the US Food and Drug Administration – which is currently assessing an application to sell Eroxon in the US – asked for a longer, 24-week trial. The results were presented at the European Society for Sexual Medicine Congress in Rotterdam earlier this year and showed that 61 per cent of men were able to achieve and maintain an erection, usually in less than 10 minutes.
Once again, it was men with the most severe ED who were most likely to benefit, with 87 per cent reporting meaningful improvements. Because it is a topical therapy, Eroxon has been licensed as a medical device, which means it can be sold over the counter without the need for a prescription or conversation with a pharmacist.
However, ED is often a sign of a more serious underlying problem, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes. So Dr Jones says: “I know it can be embarrassing, but it really is essential to speak to your GP, or another healthcare professional, if ED is more than an occasional occurrence.”
Three in four men will experience performance issues at some time, and a third of men over the age of 40 have ED. But there has been a dramatic increase in the number of younger men who are struggling to perform.
One in four men newly diagnosed with ED is now under the age of 40. Psychosexual therapist, Dr Catherine Hood says: “In younger men, ED is often rooted in psychological issues such as anxiety, depression and sexual inhibitions. There is also evidence that easy access to pornography is an increasingly common factor.”
The world-renowned Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction has even given this a name, PIED – pornography-induced erectile dysfunction.
And new research commissioned by Eroxon confirms that 67 per cent of men thought pornography puts them under more pressure to perform.

Dr Hood says: “The main issue is that pornography increases expectations. You don’t go and watch a Marvel movie and come out thinking you can fly. It’s fantasy. But people watch porn and think that’s reality.”
She says it also creates the idea that everything is physical, but the psychological aspects of arousal are as important for men as they are for women.
The new research found that a third of men with ED also struggle with poor mental health, and to make matters worse, some anti-depressants can also impair libido.
Dr Jones says: “We know that ED often causes anxiety and depression so it’s very difficult to know which came first, their erectile dysfunction or poor mental health.”
Darren Ramsay, a 34-year-old telecoms engineer from Coventry, began experiencing ED when he was in his twenties.
He says: “I was going through a lot of mental health issues and I was having trouble being intimate with my wife. The doctor said they couldn’t really do anything because of my age.
“It got worse over time and it started affecting my marriage. You feel like it’s your fault and it’s a real guilt trip.”
His wife, Louise, was completely supportive and understanding, but Darren says: “Because it was happening so regularly, your body overthinks it and you don’t want to attempt to get intimate because you don’t want to have the embarrassment of it again.”
Because of his age, Darren’s GP refused to prescribe an ED medicine, but even though his mental health improved, his ED problems persisted. So Darren started buying tablets on the black market.
This can be incredibly dangerous as studies suggest that 80 per cent of these pills are counterfeits and they have been found to contain toxic ingredients including talcum powder, detergents and even road paint.
Like Charles, Darren took part in a consumer trial for Eroxon and admits he was surprised at how quickly the gel got to work.
He says: “You apply it to the tip of the penis and massage the gel in for 15seconds or so. It’s a warm sensation, it’s an enjoyable feeling, and for me it worked within five to 10 minutes.”
* Eroxon costs £24.99 for a pack of four single-use tubes and is available from Boots stores and online at boots.com