An Edinburgh -based pub landlord has just taken over one of the city's most iconic pubs and has stated that he is "looking forward to breathing new life into the place".
Experienced hospitality operator Tom Wilding, 34, has already been helping to run the Caley Sample Room and has now taken it over full-time.
Tom explained that Kev and Claire from the nearby Diggers Bar had taken over the lease, reopening it at the turn of the year after it closed in August 2022.
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"Kev and Claire took over the lease in December, and they had asked me from the off to be involved," Tom said. "We had discussed partnering up on things if it went well and I managed the pub for the past six months in a very much autonomous way."

Since then, Kev has decided to go back to focusing solely on the Diggers (Athletic Arms), leaving Tom the opportunity to take over fully.
Tom added: "Kev approached me to see if I’d like to take over at The Caley and has been very supportive in the handover, I am looking forward to working closely with our neighbours."
Currently, they are open Monday to Wednesday 4 pm until 12 pm, Thursday and Friday from 12 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 10 am, with a late night license until 1 am on Fridays and Saturdays.
The experienced businessman, who has previously run pubs, restaurants, clubs, and even a street food outlet, has revealed he is relishing the chance to make his own mark on the much-loved pub.
He said: "I look forward to breathing new life into the place including events and a new and exciting food and drinks offering.
"We want to become the main place in Gorgie and Slateford to come and enjoy a morning, afternoon or evening out for drinks and food, welcoming guests from all around!
"We hope that guests old and new will come to the pub and talk to us about what they’d like to see."
The team are now focusing on updating what's on offer on their menu.
Tom said: "We still have 16 taps including eight real ale/hand pull ciders but they will be mostly well-known brands.
"We try to have a point of view of, if we have the necessary tools, we will provide what the guest wants.
"We are appealing to all age groups but welcome young professionals, students, and families, and can take large groups with notice, often offering buffets and set menus. We are also dog friendly and see a lot of dog owners bringing their dogs in.
"We have a menu which covers many of the known allergens including Coeliac, and we have lots of vegan options, though the meat eaters shouldn’t worry as we also have steaks, burgers, meatballs, chicken dishes and more. I will be looking to keep the back bar interesting with a great spirits selection including rums, gins and of course our wines."
Tom stated that it is a huge opportunity for him and added that he will give everything he can to make it a success.
He said: "The Caley is a great pub, with a great space. We have a great wee team which we have retained since opening, with one or two additions, and they have all agreed to move over to continue working with me.
"I have lots of ideas and exciting plans for the future. Upgrading the back bar will be something we will look at in the short term, as well as other elements which we have already begun to change since taking over in December."
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