The latest quest added to Escape From Tarkov, the Dragnet quest for Jaeger, has proven to be quite challenging for players. This quest is part of the new Factory rework and requires players to locate and obtain a chemical container at the TerraGroup warehouse on Factory.
To access the TerraGroup warehouse, players need to find the TerraGroup storage room keycard (Polikhim). This keycard is essential as it unlocks the door to the warehouse, which is located in the tunnels under the factory map near the CCTV scav extract point.
Currently, the Polikhim keycard is extremely rare and not readily available on the flea market. However, some players have reported that cultists can drop these keycards when killed. Therefore, players looking to complete the Dragnet quest will need to hunt down cultists to increase their chances of obtaining the keycard.
Once a player has acquired the Polikhim keycard, they can use it to unlock the door to the TerraGroup warehouse on Factory. Inside the room, players will find the chemical container needed for the quest. The final step is to extract safely without dying and then hand over the chemical container to Jaeger.
Overall, the Dragnet quest presents a unique challenge to players in Escape From Tarkov, requiring them to navigate the new Factory map and engage with cultists to obtain the keycard necessary to complete the quest. With perseverance and a bit of luck, players can successfully complete this quest and earn rewards from Jaeger.