Monday marked the start of availability for the new COVID shot at some Kentucky pharmacies. The Fayette County Health Department hopes to offer the new vaccine by the end of September. Spokesman Kevin Hall said it will not be free at the clinic for everyone, just the uninsured and children on Medicaid. Hall said some people may be thinking about waiting close to the November and December holidays to get the new shot.
“We really don’t want people to delay because you run the risk if you wait until November for instance, you’ve got a six week period in there where you’re not getting the protection from the vaccine. So, it’s better to go ahead and get it when it’s offered and available to you,” said Hall.
Hall noted it’s difficult to gauge COVID activity since so much testing is done at home. But, he says there has been a decline in reported cases at the health department. Hall added it’s gone from about 300 per week three weeks ago, with the last week or so at about half that number.
Mid-September signals a time for disease prevention through vaccinations. Many pharmacies and health care providers are offering flu shots. Kevin Hall said it may only require one trip to a primary care provider for fighting both flu and coronavirus.
“Right now it is really important for people to get that flu shot, so if you’ve got the ability to get both, one in each arm, go ahead and do it. Save some time, save the effort of getting back out to your provider, and save an extra office visit. So, go ahead and get them done at the same time if you can.”
Hall said the Lexington Health Department hopes to have the new COVID vaccine available by the end of the month.
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