Two petitions which called on the UK Government to provide additional cost of living support for people claiming disability benefits are to be debated by MPs in Parliament. Marsha De Cordova MP, a member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked to open the debate on May 22 where MPs from all parties can take part, and the UK Government will send a minister to respond.
The first petition, ‘Make people on disability benefits eligible for the £650 one off payment’, was created by Abigail Broomfield and received more than 24,600 signatures of support on the petitions-parliament website.
The petition states: “Disabled people should be included alongside carers in the £650 one off payment as part of the Cost of Living support package. We have larger utilities bills and food costs when compared to non-disabled people. We rely on these utilities and food to stay alive.”
The DWP response said: “Six million people in receipt of a qualifying disability benefit will receive a £150 payment in September. If they are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, they will also receive the £650 payment.”
The second petition, ‘Provide an energy grant to people with a disability or serious medical condition’, was created by Rachel Curtis and received more than 16,300 signatures of support on the petitions-parliament website.
The petition states: “The Government needs to provide a grant, so that people with a disability or serious medical condition can afford to run the equipment, or heating, they need to stay alive.
“It is not right that people living with conditions that require energy, should be punished for it, and sometimes face unmanageable debts with energy companies.”
The DWP response said: “The Government will provide approximately six million people across the UK, who receive certain disability benefits, with a one-off payment of £150 in September 2022.”
Ahead of the planned debate, the Petitions Committee is keen to hear your views on the topics, and considering both petitions received over 40,000 signatures of support between them, that could be a lot of feedback for MPs to take on board - and could help influence change.
All you have to do is complete a short Petitions Committee online survey here. It is also available in other accessible formats.
It is important not to share any details or information that could identify you.
This survey will close on March 31, 2023.
You will be able to watch the debate live on Parliament TV from 4.30pm on May 22, 2023.
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