The 110th president of the Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce has underlined his commitment to securing regional devolution and ensuring the economic entity is not further fractured.
Mike Whitehead succeeded Phil Jones, who completed a two-year term as ‘Zoom President’ by convening Friday’s annual meeting.
The former NHS manager expressed his disappointment at the political will that saw Humber progress stifled, but is cheered by the work now emerging under the Opportunity Humber banner, with Reckitt CEO Laxman Narasimhan working alongside the Humber Leadership Board - made up of council chiefs and LEP chairs - to focus on strategic growth for a globally significant region.
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Mr Whitehead said: “It is a particular honour to be president. I’m a local lad, born a mile up the road, and this is the temple at which I come to worship,” he said speaking at the MKM Stadium ahead of a dinner with Dame Diana Johnson.
“I spent 28 years at Hull Royal Infirmary, as a manager of surgery and critical care, and my grandfathers were dockers and trawlermen in this city - that’s working class aristocracy.”

He has since turned his attention to property development, he also served as an East Riding councillor between 2011 and 2015, representing Kirk Ella.
“I’m looking forward to carrying on a lot of things Phil has been involved with;” he continued. “We are in a very good place, with very good relationships with local authorities and MPs, and in a position to influence and represent businesses in the Humber.
“We are one of few true pan-Humber organisations at a time when Humber split apart - hopefully it is only temporary, hopefully it will come back.
“The South Bank is important to us, and one of the reasons I have chosen Horizon as my charity this year.
“I look forward to a year of activity, my door is always open as I used to say in the NHS, and the same applies here. We have a very good team, and excellent chief executive and excellent officers.”
He aims to support the On Side youth zone charity with plans for the “flagship of the East” Grimsby town centre site to open in 2024, while also aiming to secure one for Hull.
Earlier, taking over from Mr Jones, Mr Whitehead said: “The Chamber continues to build very close relationships with politicians, be it the four councils north and south of the river, and all 10 MPs in our area.
“We have played a very big part working for devolution agenda and we have maintained a high profile in that respect. That will continue
“We have faced challenges we never thought we would have to deal with and got some big challenges ahead. There is lots happening, we have a leaner, fitter, stronger financially, very proactive chamber and that is down to your leadership,” he said, having deputised for him through the period extended due to a first 12 months virtually written off by Covid.
Mr Jones told of his appreciation at becoming part of the Chamber team, having “seen what’s happened within the organisation, where it has come from and how well it has been done”. “It is in a really good place and in really good hands,” he said, adding: “I do feel a little bit sad to be handing over the chains of office, hopefully there are other things for me to be involved with in and around the Chamber in coming years.”
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