An expected crowd of 25,000 will be treated to a new bigger screen at the Knights opening round match on Thursday at McDonald Jones Stadium.
The new 18 x 9.5 metre screen has been installed on the southern hill, replacing the old 8 x 4 metre display which had reached end of life.
McDonald Jones Stadium manager Dean Mantle said the new screen had improved technology, higher quality imagery and would be easily visible beyond the halfway line.
"You can sit well past half way, probably 60-70 metres away and the ratios are set up so you can still see the scoring and writing all very clearly," he said.
The northern hill screen will also be replaced by May 31, in time for the women's State of Origin match in June.

"So pretty much anywhere in the stadium you will have a clear line of sight of one of the screens," Mr Mantle said.
The cost of the two screens was more than $2 million, and Mr Mantle said stadium owner Venues NSW was able to fund it due to revenue from the success of the stadium concerts and sporting matches.
The state government body has also installed new seating on the lower tiers of both hills and the lower eastern grandstand to the tune of $900,000.
"It's a fairly sizeable investment," he said.
"The more support we have, the better ability we have to reinvest in the stadium."
The new screen will be in play for the Knights home clash against the Raiders on March 7, and also the Freestyle Kings show on March 9, which is expected to attract up to 8000 motorsport fans.
"They [the Freestyle Kings] will have live footage of what's going on and playbacks on various tricks,"Mr Mantle said.
Mr Mantle said while the attendance for the Knights game was a bit harder to predict due to the club's large membership, he was expecting a strong crowd.
"Memberships are at an all time high, there's a lot of positivity around the club after last year," he said. "So I'm confident we will get around that 25,000 mark."