Queen Margaret Academy pupils in Ayr will have their first lessons in a new £25 million school this week.
A replacement secondary has been built beside the now vacated former building on Dalmellington Road.
The new Catholic high school has room for up to 800 teens and boasts a massive games hall, two-all weather pitches and sports courts.
Construction is now finished and the doors are about to open for kids.
Pupils in S1, S4, S5 and S6 will return to school in the state of art premises on Thursday followed by children in S2 and S3 on Friday.
Councillor William Grant, portfolio holder for children and young people said: “I am delighted that pupils are able to return to the new Queen Margaret Academy campus after their October break. The school will be a great learning environment and an official opening ceremony will take place in due course.”
The rundown former academy is more than 40-years-old and was plagued with a leaking, flat roof. It opened in 1977 and will now be demolished to make space for more parking spaces.
Contractor Kier Construction has built the school for South Ayrshire Council with development partner Hub South West Scotland.
Kier said in a social media statement: “What a fantastic project to work on and an even better team. We can't wait to see what the pupils think.”
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced Scottish Government funding for the construction in person when she visited the school in 2016.
She played table tennis with pupils in killer heals and and a bagpiper greeted her arrival.