Once upon a time, many years ago, I didn't like sushi. And I didn't even really try it - I just thought that nothing could compare to good old-fashioned well-done steak and French fries. Well, as Thorin Oakenshield said, "I have never been so wrong in my life!" People sometimes tend to change their tastes with age, and admit their own mistakes. However, not always.
There are many people who sincerely hate even the most popular foods on the planet, even if they’re not ready to say it out loud. And only in certain online threads, from time to time, when someone asks: "What's a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?" By the way, such threads always have a lot of interesting opinions - so we hasten to share them with you.
More info: Reddit
Macarons. They're just expensive fancy looking sugar bombs that everyone photographs for Instagram. Half the time they're stale and when they're fresh they're still just... meh.

Image credits: Hot-11Girl2
Peeps. I cannot stand Peeps.

Image credits: LHova

Image credits: lennie_jane
The thread, a selection of which we present to you today, appeared less than a day ago on the AskReddit community, and today it can already boast 7.1K upvotes and over 20K various comments. Among the meals that, as it turns out, many people don’t like, there are fruits and vegetables, drinks and desserts, meat and vegan meals, haute cuisine masterpieces and some obvious fast food... Tastes actually differ.
And, interestingly, it’s not always the taste features of a particular dish that people don’t like. For example, one netizen’s main complaint about Twinkies is that “they are so damn greasy.” Well, many people simply can't fit large hamburgers in their mouths, as people still haven't learned to dislocate our jaws like snakes.
Any over-the-top fussy designed cake made of fondant. You need fondant to hold the shape of a lot of those ornate looks but the texture is like rubber and play-doh has more flavor.

Image credits: rabbitfire
Bubble tea. My daughter loves it, but I just can't get into it. We have tried it locations all over the world, and it's a nope for me.

Image credits: jferrer2007
Big hamburgers. I do not see the appeal of a 2 1/2 inch thick slab of half cooked meat that I need to dislocate my jaw like a snake to take a bite out of.

Image credits: YapperYappin
Some folks state that many popular and gourmet foods are definitely overrated. Like, for example, lobster - some sincerely believe that it's just an overgrown shrimp with bland meat. Or oysters - their slimy texture is not at all to the liking of some peeps, and the fact that in nature they simply filter mud in shallow water (and then we eat it all) also doesn't add points in their favor.
Someone else doesn't like honey (and I wholeheartedly support them!). However, I have a special case - my grandma was an adherent of the idea that honey helps improve kids’ eyesight.
And since I've read a lot since childhood, after a few years, this decent old lady had managed to cultivate in me a cold, pure hatred of any kind of honey. Perhaps some others' reasons for developing a particular food aversion arose in a similar way.
ITT: Just foods that people don't like. Mushrooms, Caviar, bologna, hot dogs? These are not foods that people rave about.
Here's one: Nutella. It's trash and any bakery that uses it should feel bad.

Image credits: Punctuality
Does sparkling water count? Id rather just have the water please. You cant even flatten it out so its just water.

Image credits: slothson
For me, it's oysters. I grew up on the Gulf Coast, so I've always sort of felt like a pariah because I hate them so much.
They're nasty little filter feeders that taste too much like the murky waters they live in, have a slimy texture and are extremely susceptible to passing along several types of food poisoning to whoever consumes them. Yeah, sign me up.
And I've tried them - plenty of times. My grandpa was so confused by my dislike that he cooked them in every conceivable way, and completely gave up with I couldn't even stomach an oyster Rockafeller.

Image credits: FelixMcGill
Researchers have been investigating for decades the reasons why the same food can cause adoration in some people, while others cannot stand it. And, as often happens, conditioned reflexes are sometimes responsible for this. For example, if we ate a particular food during a stressful period, it will be unconsciously associated with negative emotions in the future, The Guardian claims.
The brain also tends to "appoint culprits" for some health issues - and often some new dishes unjustifiably become these culprits. For example, if you ate some exotic meal and then got food poisoning from a burger, you’re unlikely to try this exotic food again (unlike a burger).
By the way, that's damn true - I haven't eaten mussels for over twenty years, because I got poisoned by them at a student party (most likely, it was the booze I drank, but I still don't want to attempt it again).
Truffle Oil.
It smells like a high school locker room, and is so pervasive it will absolutely ruin food for me. Even someone else at the table having truffle oil will ruin the taste of my food.
I've never had real truffles. I think I would like them as I love mushrooms. But Truffle Oil should be abolished.

Image credits: Triplecandj
Cake pops.

Image credits: psylli_rabbit
Chocolate covered strawberries. The textures don’t work well together amd they’re not more than the sum of their parts.

Image credits: Life_Juice7511
Is it possible to change our prejudices about food? I have good news for you - scientists are almost certain that it is.
For example, the authors of this dedicated article on Science Focus strongly recommend that in order to overcome aversion to any food, you should start eating it in small portions constantly while in a calm and relaxed state, so that no negative impressions are associated with this food in the future.
Another question is whether we actually want to do this. After all, many years of eating habits develop stable preferences in us, and not everyone will want to change anything. But if you still have a desire to conduct a food experiment on yourself - at least now you know what to do and how.
Kale tastes like burnt tires. I don't know if kale qualifies as "universally loved" but it's certainly trendy and is in way too many things.

Image credits: ftc_73
Overnight oats. Who wants to eat soggy, cold, raw oats?

Image credits: DeniLox
Cadbury's Creme Eggs. They're so, SO sickly.
EDIT: To clarify, I'm in the UK—I've never had an American made one but am now morbidly curious as to just how bad they are.

Image credits: hairiestlemon
In any case, I do think it would be interesting to read what other people don't like to eat and compare it with your own food aversions. And each of us has them, just not everyone has the desire and courage to admit it. By the way, if we're going to be 100% honest - why not tell us what popular meals you personally don't like in the comments to this post?
Avocado toast. Yeah, I said it. I'm a millennial woman and I cannot understand why everyone's obsessed with paying $15 for mushy green stuff on bread. It literally tastes like nothing and has the texture of baby food.
Cilantro. Yes I have the soap gene. Yes, it's f*****g nasty.
Any Oreo that isn’t Oreo flavored.

Image credits: elisses_pieces

Image credits: UncleGrover666

Image credits: JenntheGreat13
Lobster, its just a giant sea bug with bland meat. Just eat a shrimp and save money.

Image credits: Leather-Ad4911
Twinkies... Why are they so damn greasy!?

Image credits: LodoLoco
I hate lacroix. It tastes like the a strawberry died and its ghost passed through some carbonated water.

Image credits: llc4269
Pringles are good for like the first 3 but then they taste pretty bad . Like pretend potatoes.

Image credits: hauntedmashedpotato
Twizzlers the candy.
Cotton candy. It’s like sugar made worse.

Image credits: mikewarnock
Why are bell pepper in EVERYTHING.

Image credits: FearingPerception
Alcohol. Any type. Smells and tastes like pickled mulch to me.

Image credits: Faolyn
Chocolate ice cream. I love ice cream. I love chocolate. But whenever I have chocolate ice cream it's inferior to any other kind of ice cream, and doesn't have the amount of chocolatey flavor I could get from cake, brownies, or a chocolate bar.

Image credits: WindyWindona
White chocolate. Disgusting. I'd rather have dark bitter baking chocolate. White chocolate is just sugary trash.

Image credits: Resevl401
Red Velvet. Everything I've had that is red velvet has been quite mid.

Image credits: RadioactiveMan7
I'm not sure when hot honey became all the rage, but y'all need to tone it down a bit.

Image credits: eleanor61
Blue cheese.
... sweet potatoes. No they do not replace the real deal and Im tired of people pretending so.

Image credits: Inked_Raccon