Throughout this year I've been monitoring the Netflix chart to see which movies rise to the top. This week it's an interesting one: mainly because it's not the typical sci-fi or action blockbuster that's largely dominated Netflix's most-watched in recent weeks and months.
No, instead it's Irish comedy Joyride, starring Olivia Colman, which despite wildly mixed reviews on Rotten Tomatoes since its 2022 release – a mere 51% critics score being the headline there – has caught the attention of some fans, who are flying the face of critics and calling it 'refreshing'.
As you can see from the trailer, embedded above, it's not an outright nonstop-laughs kind of comic caper. Instead, Joyride is a more measured comedy-drama, pulling the laughs in from those human moments to which many of us can relate. Even the main teaser on Netflix's homepage previews a hilarious plane scene – the other passengers' quips bringing out the smiles.
Colman isn't native Irish, but the British actress and Oscar-winner puts in her best accent for the role of Joy (hence the movie's title) – a middle-aged woman, first introduced as a drunk with her newborn baby in the back of a taxi. The same taxi is then commandeered by 12-year-old Mully (played by Charlie Reid), whose father has stolen the charity money raised following the child's mother's death – prompting him to run away, with Joy caught up in the whole mess.

Joyride is not to be confused with Joy Ride – the latter a 2023 15-rated comedy, described by the BBFC as an "often outrageous comedy" – because it avoids the crude comedy style of the American movie. You only need look through the gallery of stills I've selected above to see there are just as many crying faces as smiling ones.
While the critical reception has certainly varied, Joyride has found its audience. Under the YouTube trailer, comments vary from "I absolutely loved this little movie!!" to "I've watched three or four times. I love it." Certainly worth giving a go during the summer – in addition to the 5 movies to watch when the kids have gone to bed – and yet another reason why Netflix could be considered the best streaming service right now.