Avatar: The Last Airbender has filled out its cast for the second season on Netflix with eight newcomers – including one prominent series villain.
As per Variety, Chin Han will play Long Feng, Hoa Xuande will play Professor Zei, Justin Chien is King Kuei, and Amanda Zhou is Joo Dee. Crystal Yu (Lady Beifong), Kelemete Misipeka (The Boulder), Lourdes Faberes (General Sung), and Rekha Sharma (Amita) round out the series of new arrivals.
If you know your Avatar, you'll be acutely aware that the vast majority of newcomers here are part of the Earth Kingdom capital Ba Sing Se – which is on the radar of the Fire Nation and Lord Ozai after the events of The Last Airbender season 1's ending.
It's Long Feng, though, who is set to be the standout. Played by Chin Han, who portrayed Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat and its upcoming sequel, the character is poised to be one of the second season's biggest villains in his role as Ba Sing Se's Grand Secretariat – and a major threat for Aang, Sokka, and Katara.
It has already been confirmed that Avatar: The Last Airbender will come to a close after three seasons, which should give the live-action series ample room to adapt the entire Nickelodeon animation, which ran for three 'Books' from 2005 to 2008. Production on season 2 is now underway, but no release date has yet been given.
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