Artificial intelligence is a particularly huge topic of conversation right now. The very notion of this simulation taking over the world one day is scary enough, but imagine if it could control your mind through a computer chip implant. Well, the movie “Upgrade” captures this type of body horror perfectly, and it’s just been added to Netflix.
“Upgrade” is a cyberpunk action thriller movie that keeps your attention for one hour and forty minutes. I can guarantee the whole time you’ll be glued to the screen, shocked and slightly disturbed about how technology can dominate humans in such a frightening way. Logan Marshall-Green, known for other projects like “The Invitation” and “Prometheus”, plays a traumatized and paralyzed man who has no choice but to rely on AI.
Curious to learn more about the sinister intentions behind AI? Let’s delve into some basic plot details and whether you should stream “Upgrade” on Netflix.
What is ‘Upgrade about?
“Upgrade” follows a paralyzed man named Grey Trace (Logan Marshall-Green), who now uses a wheelchair after being brutally mugged after his self-driving car malfunctions. The muggers also killed his wife Asha (Melanie Vallejo) after the accident, leaving him with immense trauma and depression. However, a billionaire inventor offers Grey a computer chip implant that will essentially “cure” him.
“Upgrade” feels like an 80s movie with modern filmmaking methods.
Now, able to walk with superhuman strength, Grey has the chance to hunt down the attackers and destroy them by himself. “Upgrade” is a violent action-packed revenge movie that will have you sweating and wincing at times, but it also reveals how this near-future driven by technology is incredibly dangerous.
This intense thriller was directed and written by Leigh Whannell, who also worked on some of James Wan’s movies like “Saw”, “Insidious”, and “The Invisible Man”. You can clearly see the horror elements weaved into the cinematography and setting throughout, which makes “Upgrade” feel like an 80s movie with modern filmmaking methods.
Critics and audiences enjoyed this futuristic thriller
Critics and audiences have praised this movie for its dark action and believable performances. Right now, “Upgrade” has 88% on Rotten Tomatoes, proving that it's one to watch if you need something entertaining and thrilling at the same time.
In terms of reviews, many critics compared this movie to the science-fiction series “Black Mirror”. If you haven’t seen or heard of this show, each episode focuses on a different story about the unease of technology and how it can affect society in frightening ways. Matt Brunson from Film Frenzy said: “With its emphasis on technology, slightly futuristic setting, and fondness for disturbing developments, Upgrade feels like an episode of Black Mirror that somehow managed to break free from its Netflix surroundings and emerge unscathed on the big screen.”
Adam Graham from Detroit News also agreed with the “Black Mirror” vibes by saying: “Part Black Mirror, part Ex-Machina and part Hardcore Henry, Upgrade is a cuckoo science fiction horror pastiche that's smarter than it looks.”
Village Voice’s Alan Scherstuhl believes Upgrade offers “memorable, legible fights, a compelling bombed-out retro-apocalyptic look and a mystery that seems obvious at the start but then keeps twisting.”
Not everyone is going to enjoy this AI body horror though. Nigel Andrews from Financial Times thought the movie was “fun for an hour, then a self-drive speed ride to nowhere very much.”
‘Upgrade’ is worth a watch on Netflix

You should absolutely stream “Upgrade” on Netflix if you enjoy futuristic movies with gory violence and fun action sequences. Marshall-Green does a great job playing a desperate man who will do anything to seek revenge. Plus, a good revenge movie is always satisfying to watch.
Who knows, this movie could even encourage you to binge-watch “Black Mirror”. Netflix is bringing back “Black Mirror” in 2025 with six new episodes, so it’s definitely worth watching if you’re into creepy science-fiction thrillers. Just don’t let “Upgrade” give you nightmares about how intelligent AI might get in the future…
Want more? Check out one of the best disturbing dramas on Netflix or watch the top psychological thrillers you probably haven’t seen before.
Stream “Upgrade” on Netflix now.