Playful animals are probably the internet’s favorite things, from all the content about cats that rule the internet to even mischievous seals. Yes, you read that right – mischievous seals. Actually, today’s topic is exactly that – the playful seal that is teasing a small town in Tasmania, and people on the internet cannot get enough of it.
Niel the Seal is the internet’s current obsession

The playful seal comes to town a couple of times a year only to play tricks on its residents

Niel the Seal comes ashore to Dunnaley, a town of around 300 residents, several times a year. And locals love this water creature. Funnily enough, since he turned 3 years old, he has become quite mischievous, which causes some fun troubles for the town.

For example, he likes to lie in the middle of the road and block the passing of cars. Or lounge near someone’s front door. And sometimes he even talks back when someone speaks to him. Well, in his own language, of course.

In some cases, Niel gets so riled up that the authorities must be called. Could you imagine calling, for example, the police to report a mischievous seal roaming the streets? That would be one hell of a story to tell someday. Well, this is the reality in the town of Dunalley.
Niel the Seal likes to lie in the middle of the road and, in some cases, authorities must be called to help move him

The legend of Niel the Seal transcended the limits of the Tasmanian town when the Instagram account meant for him was created. Currently, it has nearly 82K followers and we’re almost sure his fanbase will only grow, because who doesn’t love a cute little mischievous animal, right?

Niel isn’t the only one who likes a little mischief – the whole species is known to have this urge

Bored Panda has done some digging and found out that it’s not only Niel who is mischievous – other seals tend to be as well. Apparently, seals are known to be clever, playful and mischievous. For this reason, seals have been taken into captivity and used for entertainment performances since Ancient Rome.

As a matter of fact, today’s story about Niel the mischievous seal provoking Dunalley isn’t the first reported instance of seals doing so. For example, a couple of years ago, crowds of seals taunted a small town in Canada by blocking the roads. What’s up with these seals targeting small towns, huh?

Well, as we said before, people on the internet love these naughty seals. The comments under the videos about Niel only prove that. People have been counting how many videos about Dunalley’s seal they have found on their For You pages and telling the account how much they love finding these videos. In fact, some of them said that it’s what they didn’t know they needed.

“I need more”: folks online are mesmerized by Niel the Seal and count numerous videos of him showing up on their ‘for you pages’