Airs Monday 8 January 2024 at 7:00am on Amazon Freevee.
Byron Stone (played by Xavier Molyneux) becomes suspicious about what's going on with his sister, Nicolette (Hannah Monson) on Neighbours (7:00am - see our TV Guide for listings)
WHY does Nicolette seem spooked after her trip to check out a MYSTERY apartment?
And what's with the bag of SEXY lingerie?
Terese Willis (Rebekah Elmaloglou) and Jane Harris (Annie Jones) are reeling after their discovery that Terese's ex-husband, Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis), played a hand in influencing the Council vote.
The ladies are down-hearted when they discover there is going to be a re-vote and their development plans may not be approved this time...
Plus, Sadie Rodwell (Emerald Chan) needs some distance from her mum Wendy (Candice Leask) after their argument.
Could Sadie soon be moving into the share house at Number 32?

Airs Tuesday 9 January 2024 at 7:00am on Amazon Freevee.
Nicolette's scheming past comes back to haunt her in the shape of vengeful Veronica McLain (Ellen Grimshaw).
Veronica blames Nicolette for the breakdown of her marriage to husband, Sasha!
But WHAT does Veronica now want from Nicolette?
Holly Hoyland (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) has stuck it out in her relationship with boyfriend, Haz Devkar (Shiv Palekar) despite the warning signs.
However, with their housemate Mackenzie Hargreaves (Georgie Stone) on her way home, is the love triangle about to reignite?
Toadie Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney) is thrown when he is asked to sit down for a therapy session with his ex-wife, Melanie Pearson (Lucinda Cowden).
Stuck in the same room together, what awkward home truths will finally be revealed?

Airs Wednesday 10 January 2024 at 7:00am on Amazon Freevee.
Terese is on edge after husband Toadie refuses to discuss the therapy session he had with Melanie.
WHY is Toadie suddenly acting all shifty?
Terese is determined to find out the truth...
Meanwhile, Karl Kennedy (Alan Fletcher) tries to boost Melanie's spirits with a SURPRISE present in the backyard at the Kennedy house.
Melanie is thrilled with the gift but why has Karl been keeping it a secret from his wife, Susan (Jackie Woodburne)?
Byron is out walking Trevor when a MYSTERY woman, Alyssa (Imogen Sage), approaches him and claims that Trevor is her long-lost missing dog!
Is this stranger telling the truth?

Airs Thursday 11 January 2024 at 7:00am on Amazon Freevee.
Something is brewing between Leo Tanaka (Tim Kano) and Krista Sinclair (Majella Davis).
But will Leo blow his chances with Krista after he discovers that childminder Sadie left his daughter, Abi, in Krista's care?
WHY is Leo so angry that Abi was left alone with Krista?
Haz reels from Byron's update about Alyssa, who claims that Trevor is her long-lost missing family dog.
WHAT is the truth and could Haz be about to lose his beloved canine sidekick?
Meanwhile, Terese is determined to find out what's happening with Toadie and Melanie after their therapy session.
Will Toadie finally come clean and admit what's on his mind?

Neighbours airs Monday to Thursday at 7:00am on Amazon Freevee