A couple were left disgusted after a parking dispute allegedly led to their neighbours exacting revenge in a very shocking manner. Sue and Martin Waters had been holidaying in Cyprus when they received a doorbell notification alerting them that someone was on their property.
After checking their footage, taken in the early hours of August 6th, Sue, 59, and Martin, 61, claim they were shocked to see their neighbour approaching their doorstep with a bottle clutched in his gloved hands before opening the letterbox and pouring the liquid inside. The neighbour reportedly then returned to the property holding a solid item, thought to be cat poo, inside a tissue while another male appeared to smear it on Sue's car.
Concerned the liquid poured into their home could be petrol, the couple asked their daughter and son-in-law to check in at the address. When they did so, they were greeted with the foul smell of urine.

Sue, from Andover, Hampshire, said: "It turned out he was putting urine through the letterbox and cat poo everywhere - he put it on my car and the doorstep and he'd even gone round to my back gate and put urine on my bins as well.
"He was picking up bits of cat poo and moving it and then picking it up again and moving it somewhere else and this went on for hours. It spoiled days of our holiday because I was feeling physically sick seeing what he was doing to our house".

She added: "Our daughter and son-in-law cleared it up for us and they were steaming the floor but I had to throw out my rug because it stunk of urine. We were so upset.
"I think he's absolutely disgusting. I feel quite intimidated by it all. I'd love him to be moved because it's just not nice to have to see him daily. It's put me on edge."
According to Sue, tensions arose when their neighbour claimed a 'communal space' on their estate was his parking spot, and became annoyed when they and their visiting guests used it.

The neighbour has allegedly previously asked their daughter to move her vehicle from the spot and has also asked other neighbours whose car was in 'his' space at times when other relatives parked there.
The Waters family claim they then began to notice odd things happening to their cars whenever they parked in the spot. According to Sue, her tyres were once let down while, on a separate occasion, their son-in-law's car was covered in coffee and cat poo.
Sue and Martin believe the bottle of urine poured through their letterbox was human, while the faeces smeared on the car appeared to be cat poo.

After visiting the property and reviewing CCTV footage, Hampshire Police have now dropped the case, stating that the incident is part of an ongoing dispute where both parties have made complaints and say they will 'take further action if a criminal offence is identified'.
Sue continued: "The police are saying it's not a criminal act so he's got away with everything scot-free. Basically, someone can be on your property, putting poo on your car and putting urine through your door for hours and that's not a criminal act.
"But if my husband was to wee in the street they would class that as a criminal act. The policeman said if he'd done damage to my car worth £500 then they might have done something but they didn't care about what he'd done to my property.
"How much more evidence do you need? It's absolutely ridiculous. If you've got a doorbell the camera, the evidence isn't worth diddly squat."
A spokesperson for Hampshire Police has issued the following statement: "This relates to an ongoing neighbour dispute between two parties in Andover. Both parties have made allegations against one another about their behaviours, and police have spoken to all involved with suggestions of how to resolve this matter.
"The specific incident relates to the period of 1am to 4am on August 6th. Police viewed CCTV which showed a tissue being wiped on a car and a liquid being poured around the front door area of a property.
"Police have inspected the car and the property and there is no damage or evidence that the behaviour meets the standard for criminal prosecution. No further criminal action is being taken in relation to this incident. Neighbour disputes can be very complex, and police will take further action if a criminal offence is identified.
"We will also make efforts to engage with all parties and any other key partner agencies to try and resolve the issues, through mediation for example. Neighbour disputes are often civil matters. Further advice and guidance on resolving civil neighbour disputes, including exploring mediation, can be found on the government website."
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