Neighbours were furious after a grinch stole windscreen wipers from nearly every car in a street.
Up to 50 cars vandalised in the senseless wrecking spree which has prompted a police investigation to track down the culprit.
The suspect was captured on CCTV crossing a street in a residential area to scratch 'LOL' on vehicle windscreens.
BirminghamLive reports thousands of pounds worth of damage was inflicted on cars in Dordon, near Tamworth, at about 3.30am on Sunday
The vandal struck in Kitwood Avenue and Coppice Drive infuriating those whose cars were targeted.
Debbie Connolly branded the culprit a "Christmas Grinch" and said: "The cars have been scratched that badly that many of the windows need replacing.

"Dordon is a quiet little village with hard-working families. This could not have come at a worse time for some with Christmas around the corner."
Dan Hancocks, a councillor for Polesworth East, had his car damaged.
He said: "It is a sad day when people are unable to park their cars without fear of damage.
"Dordon is a small village and has good hard working people who now have to sort out repairing their cars at a time when extra expense was not welcomed.

"I don't believe the person meant to cause the level of damage and probably thought it would be funny. However, this has caused major distress to local people.
"I would urge the person to come forward and support the police in their investigation and, if any person does know who may have done the damage, to also come forward and support the police.
"In a village of this size, I find it impossible that no-one has information regarding the person who did this."
Another resident, who did not want to be named, added: "I’m in disbelief about what has happened.

"It’s a complete act of mindless vandalism that has affected so many members of our community.
"I dread to think of the full cost of all the damage that has been done.
"This isn’t what people need so close to Christmas and at a time when lots of us are struggling financially.
"Luckily only one of our vehicles was damaged but some households have had it done to all of theirs.
"I used to feel safe living here but after this and other incidents that have happened I don’t.

"I’m angry and upset. Someone knows who this person is and they need to come forward."
A spokesman for Warwickshire Police said: "We’ve received a number of reports of vehicles damaged in the Dordon area in the early hours of Sunday morning, December 18. Enquiries are being conducted.
"If anyone witnessed any of the incidents or any suspicious behaviour, please report it to police. Information can be provided via our website."