Neighbours who were unhappy about plants outside a gardeners’ home are now upset as the drab courtyard has been left bare.
Alexandra Wilson-Jones was told to removed the colourful plants from her home on the King Charles’s Poundbury estate in Dorset after complaints were made to the Duchy of Cornwall, which runs it.
A year on and the neighbours have got their way as the plants are all gone and Alexandra has moved from the area ahead of buying a new home 50 miles away, the Sun reports.
However not everyone was sad to see her go, with some calling her previous display as “beautiful”.

One unnamed neighbour told the Sun: “As far as I’m concerned she was doing nothing wrong.
“The plants were a real delight to behold and really brightened up the place.
“There are no front gardens in this part of the estate and so her plant pots distracted from the stone houses."
Meanwhile tension arose between two neighbours when a mum made a formal complaint about the local resident receiving deliveries at their own home.
The woman approached the local council after the homeowner - who works from home - received lorry deliveries of stock for their small business.
A user of Mumsnet took to the popular forum site to share the awkward predicament between her two neighbours.
She explained: "Neighbour A lives a few doors down from neighbour B. A runs a business from home and has a weekly delivery where a large lorry enters the street to deliver stock."
The woman went on: "B doesn't like the lorry as she likes her kids to play out in nice weather and worries a lorry is imposing some danger towards her children.
"B reports A to the local council. The council investigates and finds nothing unreasonable or untoward.
"A has since found alternative premises to receive deliveries but has outed B on the neighbourhood WhatsApp group.
"A has said B is nothing but spiteful and deceitful as could have quite easily had a chat with A and come to an agreement about any concerns or issues rather than reporting A anonymously to the council.
B maintains they have done nothing wrong as she just wants her children to feel safe outside their own home."
Seeking advice over which neighbour was in the wrong, the Mumsnet user questioned: "Who is being unreasonable A or B?"
Since sharing the post online, the woman's thread has raked in over 100 comments - where people rushed to comment on the ordeal.