Singer Neeti Mohan, who got married to actor Nihar Pandya on February 15, has shared fresh pictures of herself in wedding attire. Sharing the photos, she wrote: “A heartfelt THANK YOU to my friends for making me feel n look beautiful on a my wedding day! Love you all.”
Wearing a beautiful cream-coloured lehenga choli with pink and green embroidery, she looks stunning. She accessorised her look with a heavy necklace, prominent maang tika, a simple but prominent nath and red chooda.
It may be recalled that their wedding took place amid tension. Neeti’s father took ill and had to be hospitalized. While the wedding took place as per schedule, the reception was cancelled.
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The couple, reportedly, informed their guests that it had been postponed indefinitely. However, it was later reported that he is better now.
The pre-wedding functions including her sangeet and mehendi were fun-filled, which saw actor Ayushmann Khurrana attend some of them in the company of his wife Tahira Kashyap and actor-brother Aparshakti Khurana. Both Aparshakti and Tahira had shared pictures and video clips from the festivities.
Neeti and her sisters including Mukti and Shakti have been sharing pictures from the festivities. These also included a photo shoot of the bride with her bridesmaids, which were full of laughter and mirth. In fact, in one of them, Neeti can be seen pacing towards the camera in a lehenga choli and a pair of sneakers.
Neeti is well known for her songs in films like Ishq Wala Love from Student of the Year and Jiya Re from Jab Tak Hai Jaan while Nihar made his Bollywood debut in Kangana Ranaut’s Manikarnika.
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First Published: Feb 28, 2019 10:41 IST