Bollywood singer Neeti Mohan, known for her songs in films like Ishq Wala Love, Jiya Re and Kaun Nach Di among others, will be getting married to her boyfriend Nihar Pandya on February 14 and 15 but ahead of that, the singer held a pre-bridal photo shoot. What was special that featuring in it were the other Mohan sisters, dancers Mukti and Shakti and their elder sister Kriti Mohan.
Sporting a beautiful sequinned blue lehenga choli while her other sisters wore cream-coloured embroidered and sequinned lehenga choli and gown, the four looked set for the bridal function. What’s wonderful about the photo shoot is that there was nothing demure and coy about it.
Neeti’s girl gang also flaunted a hashtag #NotWithoutMyMohans and most of the pictures feature all the four sisters. The happy and fun vibe is unmistakable. Sharing one of the pictures, Neeti wrote: “THIS MOMENT.”
Sister Mukti too shared a picture of them together and wrote: “We will not let you go.”
In one of the solo pictures, the unconventional bride-to-be, can be seen running in a lehenga choli but with sneakers on.
According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, when Neeti and Nihar were guests on The Kapil Sharma Show, they broke the news of their wedding which was scheduled to take place on Valentine’s Day.
Nihar recalled how he had requested a friend, who was a member of Neeti’s earlier band Aasma, to introduce him to her but in vain. However, the two finally met at the same friend’s wedding in Goa a year ago and this was the beginning of their love story.
It may be recalled that Nihar, who recently starred in a small role in Kangana Ranaut’s Manikarnika, was once the boyfriend of Deepika Padukone.
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First Published: Feb 13, 2019 14:24 IST