In recent years, the NBA’s annual draft lottery has taken place on Tuesday evening prior to an ESPN broadcast of a playoff game.
For 2024, however, that is changing. This year, the lottery takes place on Sunday, May 12, at 2 p.m. Central — just prior to ABC’s broadcast of Game 4 of the second-round series between the New York Knicks and Indiana Pacers. It appears the league sees value in placing the lottery on over-the-air television, as opposed to strictly cable.
The weighted lottery system determines the top-four order among the 14 first-round picks initially belonging to non-playoff teams. From No. 5 onward, the order is slotted by record, from worst to best.
The Rockets will have two chances to nab one of those four lottery picks — one via Brooklyn (which enters at the No. 9 odds slot) and also their own (which enters at No. 12). Houston will keep possession of the pick from the Nets, no matter what, but the Rockets will lose their pick to Oklahoma City unless it lands in the top four.
A detailed look at Houston’s 2024 NBA lottery probabilities and potential draft prospects is available here.