Thailand’s GDP is expected to grow around to a relatively high 3.2% in 2023. In Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia are also contributing to the regional strong growth prospects.
Despite slow economic recovery Thailand’s National Metrology Institute still strives for the best and remains one of the most trusted excellent center of metrology in Asia Pacific regions on par with Singapore.
“Internationally recognized measurement capabilities ensure that high quality products and services could access markets and customer around the globe” said Ajchara Charoensook, Director of National Institute of Metrology (Thailand). “Thailand has great potential to build solid economic growth if its products and services are certified with high quality guarantees.”

The National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), established in 1998, dates back to when Thailand was struck with so-called ‘Tom Yum Kung Disease’ and exports faced severe trade barriers. Thai products, mainly agriculture-based goods, were rejected by many countries due to lack of proof of meeting standards and requirements. ISO 9001 certification, therefore, was required to meet that challenge.
The exponential growth of quality management systems required qualified testing laboratories and accurate measurements to confirm product quality. The early roles of NIMT were to offer laboratory services and calibrated measuring equipment that meet international standards.
“As Thailand’s industrial sector expanded, new products and services become many more extensive, so do our services. Emergences of new technologies require us to work beyond our core business to ensure that the nation have whatever needed to meet new requirements of the new technologies”
Key collaborative network, includes Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP), Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), Department of Medical Science Services (DMSc), Defence Science and Technology Department (DSTD), and Royal Thai Police as well as calibration and testing laboratories that provide services to industries.
“From domestic network, now our contribution in international metrology collaboration includes technical cooperation with our neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Lao PDR, and beyond such as Philippines and Nepal to support their endearers to establish internationally recognised measurement capabilities.”
Over 22 years, National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) has been an active member of the Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP). Our staff were elected to chair the Technical Committee for Quality System and approved as technical peer reviewers measurement capabilities of NIMT are reviewed and approved according to protocol laid by the International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM) and listed as by BIPM: International Bureau of Weights and Measures.

In preserving world acclaimed recognition, NIMT strives to achieve metrological traceability for its services by implementing quality controls following the National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) framework comprising Metrology, Standardisation, Accreditation, Conformity Assessment, and Market Surveillance in collaboration with public and private sectors such as the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI).

“While we are looking forward to serving S-Curve industries with their new technologies, we also see room for local wisdom areas such as herbal-based medical products to rise on the global stage. NIMT has worked with local communities nationwide to gain trust and use available for their community products. ”

As the metrological approach expands into various industrial fields, digitalisation development is key for the institute as it continues to move forward.
“Rapid industrial expansion requires quick respond from us. With only 130 metrologists, at NIMT, we have to adapt and make use of digital technology, to develop new services such as remote calibration, which enables nation-wide real-time calibration, testing and verification services without interrupting production processes. In other words, no need to remove measuring equipment to NIMT or other laboratories.”

With such limited number of human resources, another big challenge is to attract youngsters to pursue education and career in metrology. NIMT, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, has launched new curriculums for 38 Rajabhat Universities and 9 Rajamangala Universities of Technology with an aim to produce 7,000 graduates by 2027.

“We will continue to further our collaborative network in order to make sure that advanced technical services required by the industries and other key sectors will be met. National competitiveness and citizen quality of life in all areas, including air quality, food safety, healthcare solutions, and smart city infrastructure will be well supported.”

On the occasion of the 24th Anniversary of The National Institute of Metrology (Thailand), we renews our resolve to maintain our high standard and to commit to enhancing and developing domestic quality measurement supports and laying down competitive values based on which Thailand can soar in the global arena.
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