Christmas is now just a few days away so millions of us up and down the country will be stocking up on mince pies or tubs of Celebrations and Quality Streets chocolate to enjoy after dinner on Christmas Day.
But one study done on 2,000 Brits has revealed what chocolate treats from Celebrations, Quality Streets and Heroes would combine to appear in the perfect selection box - and the results might surprise you.
Jackpotjoy ran the survey on Brits to find out what our favourite chocolate treats are from the Celebrations, Quality Streets and Heroes tubs to create the dream tub of over 60 chocolates

Selection chocolate tubs are a firm favourite over the Christmas period as each piece is the perfect size to tuck into while watching telly or playing games with your family.
But the survey has revealed that there is one particular chocolate which Brits overwhelmingly like to find in the box and that is the Malteser 'Teaser' from the Celebrations tin.
Nearly one in ten voted this chocolate as their favourite, which places it right at the top of the leader board.

However, some of the other results might cause some raised eyebrows.
According to this survey, it turns out that not all Brits hate the controversial coconut-filled Bounties - with one in twenty claiming it to be their favourite.
In the second place is the original Galaxy from the Celebrations tub, holding 6.3% of the vote. Meanwhile, the 'Purple One' from Quality Street took the third spot, taking 5.7% of the vote.
In a box of 65 chocolates which is the average of any given tub, the full results would include: 12 Maltesers Teasers, nine original Galaxy, eight Purple Ones, seven Cadbury Dairy Milks, seven Bounties, six Galaxy Caramels, five Snickers, four Strawberry Delights, four Creme Egg Twisted Chocolates, three Green Triangles.
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