Telugu Desam Party national president N. Chandrababu Naidu on Friday accused the ruling YSR Congress Party leaders of abetting the alleged suicide of Parthasarathy, former chairman of the Kuppam Gangamma temple in Chittoor district.
In a statement, Mr. Naidu questioned the police for not filing an ‘abetment to suicide’ case based on the selfie video where Parthasarathy had reportedly blamed his own party leaders from the YSRCP for resorting to the extreme step.
Mr. Naidu said YSRCP had brought in the toxic culture of selling posts for money in the Kuppam segment. “Parthasarathy belonged to a Backward Caste and became a victim of his own partymen,” he said.
Demanding that the police treat the selfie video left behind by the victim as his dying declaration and file a case against those responsible for his death, Mr. Naidu said Parthasarathy had clearly mentioned that his own party colleagues had been harassing him. Seeking justice to his family members, Mr. Naidu conveyed his condolences to the bereaved members.