A dog which was found mysteriously wandering around during the recent Green Man Festival in Powys is to be given a chance at finding a new home. The terrier cross, who's since been named Bonnie, was discovered lost and alone by security staff at the popular music bash which took place last month on the Glanusk Estate, near Crickhowell.
The animal, who's thought to be about six or seven years old, was picked up at one of the gates to the event - at which only service dogs are allowed entry - at around 7pm on Sunday, August 21. She was then looked after by an onsite team until the following afternoon in the hope someone would come and claim her.
"A colleague then took her to get her scanned at the local vet but, sadly, her chip hadn't been registered," said Beth Goodenough, who was working as an event controller during the sold-out four-dayer. "There are also houses on the estate, so we checked with the groundskeeper who knows all of the nearby residents.
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"Unfortunately though, none of them claimed her as being theirs either." Beth added that Bonnie was then taken to Keepers Cottage Boarding Kennels in Pontypool while an appeal was launched on social media to try to locate her owner.
However, she's since been transferred to the Hope Rescue shelter in Llanharan. Staff there say she will be put up for rehoming once she's been fully checked over and assessed.
"It's a mystery where she came from," said Beth, who added that all the Green Man staff were closely following Bonnie's progress. "She was so affectionate and friendly during the time she was with us - surely someone must be missing her?"
For more information keep checking the Hope Rescue website for updates by clicking here.
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