A pampered pooch with an unusual appearance is no stranger to attention both online and in person. Mohu the six-year-old dog has racked up nearly 100,000 followers on social media for her completely spherical fluffy coat. The internet sensation also gets stopped by strangers in the street quizzing her appearance and breed.
While many people mistake her for a Maltese, owner Nanae, from Osaka, Japan, says Mohu is actually a toy poodle and gets her fur shaped into a perfectly round ball. The light brown haired pup regularly has her hair groomed to create the unusual shape that dogs lovers are obsessed with.

Adorable Mohu became an internet star after owner Nanae started sharing pictures and videos of her on Instagram @__mohu_c.
From snaps of her in festive costumes to sweet clips of her running around the house and playing, Mohu's fans love to watch everything she gets up to.
"This dog brings me so much joy," one follower commented on her recent post, while another said: "Absolute fluffy perfection."
Unusual-looking Mohu has been compared to a teddy bear and even a 'cleaning duster'.
Her Instagram page attracts people from all over the world in awe of her fluffy, round coat.

But despite her attention-grabbing appearance, Mohu's personality couldn't be more opposite.
Nanae says her personality is "mature and slow-paced" and she much enjoys the calmer side of life.
Whether that be napping in her beanbag or patiently getting groomed, Mohu is one very chilled-out dog.
Though when she does venture outside for a walk or activity, passers-by can't help but stop Nanae for a chat and pet.
"I don't know why she's so popular, she always gets looked at on the street and I get asked all the time what breed she is," Nanae explained.

Another pooch who is no stranger to getting stopped while out and about is toy poodle Boo.
She receives comments about looking like her owner Harriet Harper, 28, all the time.
Harriet, from Didsbury, Greater Manchester, says it's a complete coincidence that her tiny puppy Boo has beautiful red-haired curls like her.
"It wasn't intentional, I just really liked red poodles - I thought they were gorgeous," Harriet said.
"I get comments every day from people saying 'you look just like your dog'."
Does your dog get stopped by strangers in the street? Email nia.dalton@reachplc.com.