Dear Coleen, I’m a woman in my mid-30s and, to be honest, I’ve found myself in a bit of a rut lately and don’t know how to get out of it.
First of all, my husband and I have been struggling to conceive for quite some time.
Meanwhile, my sister is pregnant with her second child and it’s just a constant reminder of what I haven’t got. It feels really hard to deal with.
I have also recently been diagnosed as autistic, so I’m having to come to terms with that, too, and process what it means for me.
I’m different to my siblings; my brother and sister both went to university (I didn’t) and got really good jobs after they graduated. Although I’ve worked my whole life it’s never been in decent jobs.

I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I’m feeling a little bit irrelevant to everyone at the moment, like I’m the one my parents got wrong.
I don’t mind admitting that all of it is really getting me down and I’d appreciate any advice you can give to help me feel better and move forward.
Coleen says
Firstly, on a practical level, if you’ve been trying for two years to conceive without success, then see your GP to get some initial fertility tests.
It might help you relax to know everything is in working order and, if there are any problems, then you can look at treatment options available to you.
It’s very hard to see people getting pregnant and having babies when it’s not happening for you, but it might help to tell your sister how you feel.
Acknowledging it and saying it out loud might be a relief and it’ll make your sister aware that you’re feeling sensitive at the same time.
When you’re feeling the way you are, the best thing always is to tell people. They won’t think to reassure or help if you’re telling them you’re fine.
I’m sure they’d all say they love you and wouldn’t change you for the world. You’re enough. You’re brilliant as you are.
In terms of the autism diagnosis, I think this is a very positive thing. I’m sure it’ll help you make sense of lots of things from your past and help you move into the future positively. You can now get the support you need.
Everything comes down to talking, so don’t bottle up your feelings any more. Get them out and I promise you’ll feel lighter and more positive. Good luck.