The Children's Heart Unit Fund (CHUF) charity has joined with street artist Mul as part of an empowering campaign to remind people with surgery scars that those scars are their "superpowers".
The artist, full name Alex Mulhollland, is known for producing work featuring heart characters. Now he has produced a special design reminding those recovering from heart surgery - or any other medical procedure - that the scar represents a "brave and courageous journey".
This is part of the charity's "#MyScarIsMySuperpower" campaign. The campaign began when Marvel star Ryan Reynolds - who plays superhero Deadpool, sent a message of support to Seb Hollingsworth while he was recovering from surgery.
Seb, 13, underwent heart surgery again last summer - and Hollywood star Ryan, along with fellow superhero actors Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Hemsworth, Brie Larson and Mark Ruffalo, sent well wishes to him as he recovered.
Seb was born with a congenital heart condition and underwent lifesaving surgery at just 16 weeks old. He had further surgery on July 11 last year, with the same doctor, Mr Asif Hasan, carrying out the procedure. After his dad Ivan tweeted about his story, the actors got in touch.

Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Hulk said: "I think we have some competition for the strongest Avenger, @chrishemsworth. Get well soon, Seb!" To which Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor, replied: "The strongest Avenger by far. You are my heart hero, Seb. #HeartHeroSeb"
Now the campaign has its own artwork demonstrating how young people like Seb are "heart heroes". The illustration by Mul features a superhero heart character with a surgery scar and a speech bubble highlighting: "My Scar Is My Superpower."
Mul said it had been "extremely rewarding" to take part in the project, adding: "The response received from families and supporters of CHUF has been overwhelmingly positive and I got a real buzz at being able to put a smile on people’s faces - after all, this is what my artwork is all about."
CHUF's director of fundraising and operations Charlotte Campbell, said: "It means so much to us that Mul shares our vision and has created this piece of art to support our mission and remind our Heart Heroes that their scars are something to be proud of.
“Going through adolescence is hard enough but when you pair that with potentially having a scar from undergoing treatment, it can feel really difficult. Positive representation of surgery scars in the media can help those living with them walk a little taller, be a little bolder and realise that they are part of an elite gang whose scars tell the world about a very important journey.
"We’re so thankful that Mul’s work will help us to inspire our Heart Heroes to say “My Scar Is My Superpower."
Last summer, Ivan - who is also chair of the charity - said: "There's a chance teenagers will look at a scar as a point of difference rather than a point of making you remarkable, so having Deadpool, Thor and The Hulk say stuff such as 'well done', 'you're cool', 'you have my respect', it's important for Seb and anyone else going through the same thing as him.
"I think Ryan Reynolds' quote was 'that scar is street cred for life' and I can't tell you how huge that it for other teenagers who've either been through what Seb has been through or have got to go through it."
CHUF is encouraging the public to support and share the campaign on social media. The charity works to help those at the Children's Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital - and around the North - who are receiving cardiac treatment.
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