Naming a child isn't always as easy as it sounds, especially when the parents butt heads at every suggestion made. That's exactly what one soon-to-be dad claims is happening to him, explaining how his girlfriend wants to name their newborn after Disney and Harry Potter characters.
However, he claims the "novelty" names could cause their child issues later in life, with other children picking on them in school, and employers not taking them seriously. He said: "My girlfriend and I are having a hard time figuring out a potential boy name for our baby. She is absolutely dead set on explicitly naming him after Disney and Harry Potter characters just based on the fact she loves both so much.

"The thing is she is choosing some of the stranger names, like Severus, Rafiki, Octavius, purely based on the novelty of them. Every name she suggests is from either Disney or Harry Potter, and she is kind of offended that I don't like any of them."
At a loss with what to do, the man has taken to Reddit to ask users how he can voice his concerns without hurting his girlfriend's feelings.
One user said: "Definitely bring up the fact that kids are cruel. A unique name isn't something to shy away from but a unique name that is indelibly tied to a character may not be desirable to your kid.
"Now imagine being in middle school with a Disney or Harry Potter name. If that doesn't convince her, then I suggest using the math to your advantage."
Another user added: "Insist that Star Wars is now Disney, and suggest everything from Yoda to Maul to Chewbacca.
"She will realise that her hobby is only that, not enough cause to leave an indelible mark on a human being she's supposed to love.
"Dress the kid in Disney, sure, if she thinks it's really important that her child shows off what a huge fan she is.."
A third user said: "There's two routes you can go with this. you can either start suggesting off the wall names, like Megatron, and just get crazy with it until she sees how ignorant it is.
"Or you could start picking some normal sounding names from those same stories, and really sell her on how bad ass the characters were, get her to buy into how awesome the name actually is.
"Your call. I like the sound of Megatron though."
One more user added: "My fiancee is a huge Harry Potter fan. I'm a normal fan. We ended up choosing a Harry Potter inspired name for our new girl. Luckily, it's not a name people will immediately associate with Harry Potter when they meet her (Lillian.)
"Personally, I wanted to name her Rosa Luxemburg. but she said that was my cat's name and she wasn't naming her daughter after a German communist. Win some, lose some."
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