A woman who has done very well for herself career-wise says she's discovered the man she's dating earns a full 10 times less than she does, and it's made things a little complicated.
Although she doesn't mind one jot how much a potential partner earns, her friends aren't happy about her current set-up at all and have given her a stern warning.
The well-to-do mum, who is herself from an ordinary working-class background, has previously dated men who earned less than her without issue, but this is the first time the wage gap has been so vast.
Despite her being the higher earner, her new partner is said to be "quite old fashioned" when it comes to their dates, and will insist on paying for everything in a way she finds very "sweet".

As well as being far more "generous" in this sense than previous boyfriends, this partner is said to be "great" in many ways. The pair have many important things in common, including shared interests and life goals.
Unfortunately, her friends take a different view of things completely and have urged her to break things off, insisting their fledgling relationship "could never work out".
These comments are now playing on her mind and, furthermore, although this now-worried career woman certainly appreciates her partner's generosity, she can't help but feel "guilty", and fears putting too much of a financial strain on him.
Taking to Mumsnet, the conflicted woman wrote: "The concern is how it could work logistically in the long term. I have a really nice lifestyle (all self-funded).
"Although I'm not into designer brands or fancy restaurants, I do like to travel to nice places, or to be able to enjoy some of the things a higher salary allows, like being able to jump in a taxi home rather than taking public transport, that kind of thing."
Reaching out for some words of wisdom, she continued: "So unsure what to do. I couldn't care less how much a man earns. He's a hard worker and a great person and a great dad.
"I do see that logistical issues may surface in the future though and I'm not sure what to do about that."
One fellow Mumsnet user advised: "I earn triple what my husband does. It did cause friction at points until we spoke about it and we now pay a ratio for bills and I pay for holidays.
"Like you, I don't spend frivolously but enjoy holidays so for us this was the compromise. We take in turns paying when we go out with the kids but if I know the bill is going to be more say we go to a restaurant rather than a cafe then I pay.
"Just keep communication open but breezy. Say to him it's your turn etc when out. It did take my husband some adjustment time and for us to find the right balance which felt fair to us both."
Another reflected: "Money shouldn't dictate everything. I'd far rather take the bus with a man I love than go home alone in a taxi. You might have to make some adjustments and compromises but that's true in any relationship. And he'll have to learn to let you treat him."
Do you have a relationship-related story to share? Email us at julia.banim@reachplc.com