When picking out a dog's name, it's important to imagine yourself shouting it in a public place before going ahead with your option.
While some owners don't mind shouting for 'Sergeant Squishybum' or 'Captain Fluffytuff' in a park, others would do anything to avoid this situation.
But one owner has sparked a debate over his dog's unusual name.
Turning to Reddit for advice, a woman explained how she asked her neighbour to change his dog's name because she thinks it's "inappropriate" and "offensive".
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She said: "It's like living next door to Jay from the Inbetweeners. His dog is called Boner.
"Every morning I hear 'Boner, Boner, BONER COME BACK INSIDE!'.
"It may sound funny when you first hear it and only when you realise he is talking to a dog - but I hear this every day.
"I can't imagine him shouting it in the street or at a park. What if there's children around and he is screaming for Boner? It's just not OK."
The Inbetweeners is a British TV series which follows four sixth formers as they navigate through adolescence. Jay, who is played by James Buckley, is one of the main characters who is known for his crude jokes and foul language.
Claiming to be a "huge dog lover", the woman regularly pets the labrador from over the fence, saying this interaction brings her a "few seconds of joy".
"Boner is a lovely dog and it's not his fault he has an offensive name. I look at the dog and think 'Poor little thing with a name like that'," she added.
"We have quite low fences so the dog can jump up, put his paws over and I can pet the top of his head."
When celebrating her dad's birthday at the weekend, the woman and her close family braved the weather to enjoy a BBQ in her garden.
During the party, her neighbour let Boner out into the garden to use the bathroom - and he soon jumped up at the fence to see what was happening next door.
She added: "Boner jumps on the fence for his pets and out comes my neighbour calling him in. It was so awkward for me.
"I had my parents and grandparents round and my neighbour keeps shouting for his dog.
"While a bit drunk, I asked him whether he has considered changing his dog's name because it's inappropriate.
"He just laughed and went back into his house.
"I feel so awkward for asking him because he should have free will to name his dog - but also why would you pick Boner?"
Feeling guilty about asking her neighbour to rename his dog, the woman has been trying to avoid him since their awkward encounter.
"I wouldn't usually do anything that but it just got to me that day," she added.
"My neighbour takes great care of his dog. The dog is really happy and you can tell he is well loved."
While most users questioned why she deems Boner an 'inappropriate' dog's name, others tried to reassure her by saying she's reading too much into the situation.
One user said: "I can guarantee that your neighbour hasn’t thought about you telling him he should change the dog's name once if he thought you were joking.
"I wouldn’t worry about seeming like an a*** unless you made a huge deal out of it.
"It’s also not even an offensive name in my opinion. It’s easily explained like someone else already said as 'Well he’s a dog an all dogs love bones' if a kid asks.
"And your guest should understand you don’t have control over your neighbours and you don’t like the name either but that’s literally not in your control.
"There’s zero need for you to be embarrassed about your neighbour's dog's name. Just call him something else like Bone or Bo if saying Boner makes you uncomfortable around guest.
"There are people named Richard that go by Dick and I'm sure no one is telling them 'Hey, that’s an offensive name stop using it.'
"It would probably be annoying to hear him yell out any name repeatedly every morning but I think you might be getting off easy with Boner cause I can think of so many worse names."
While another said: "You’re oversensitive. Boner is not especially offensive, and it can be explained - if required - to kids as dogs like bones. Lay off."
A third said: "When I was younger my grandmother had a dog named s*** The novelty wears off with such names.
"But if it makes you feel any better the dog doesn’t know what a boner is."
Does your dog have an unusual name? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.