A woman claims she'd reached the end of her tether with her neighbour Lindsay, who she says wouldn't stop parking on her driveway, and decided to take drastic action. According to this peeved woman, she had already spoken with Lindsay 'very nicely' about moving her car to her own driveway, but the very next day, she was at it again.
This time, her husband tried to diffuse the situation by having a friendly chat with Lindsay, asking her to please refrain from using their driveway going forward, as it wasn't her house. The husband reported that she'd been very polite and apologetic in response, and had made sure to move her car over to her own drive.

The couple assumed that would be the end of the matter. Unfortunately, after returning home from a doctor's appointment the following day, the wife discovered that Lindsay had once again parked on their driveway. This time, she decided to take a firmer stance.
Taking to Reddit, where she goes by the username u/MB025, the woman wrote: "I decided to ask her what’s going. Her: 'what do you mean?' Me: 'you keep on parking your car on our driveway after we’ve asked you nicely not to do that. Why do you keep doing it?'
"Her: 'I have a big camper parked on my driveway and it takes up a lot of space. There isn’t enough space to park my car'. Me: 'okay, you need to figure something out because you can’t park your car on our driveway anymore. It’s rude, and you’ve already been told to stop. If you do it one more time, I’ll have your car towed'. She apologised to me and promised it wouldn’t happen again."

Last night, she and her husband headed out for dinner and were gobsmacked to return to what was by then an all too familiar sight: Lindsay's car parked on their driveway.
Reaching out to fellow Reddit users for some words of wisdom, she continued: "I told my husband that was it! Enough is enough! I’m going to tow her car because she’s been warned. We’ve tried asking her nicely, and she doesn’t want to listen to us.
"My husband agreed, and I towed her car right away. I also stuck her with the bill because it was her own fault. Now, she is calling me an a**hole and she’s p***** at me."
One person commented: "Three warnings not to do it, last one a clear final warning 'do it again and you get towed', and she did it again and she got towed.
"Unless someone else is parking her car there for her and not telling her, this is all on her, and even if that's the case, none of it is on you."
Another advised: "You played nice, set reasonable boundaries, and communicated them effectively. Tow them, bill them, and if they give you a hard time, just reinforce the very same simple boundary: 'Nothing has changed. The rule is still: Don't park in our driveway'."
Do you have a nightmare parking story to share? Email us at julia.banim@reachplc.com