Service dogs are often a lifeline for their handlers, providing them with the extra support they need to complete their daily tasks. But after spending two years on a waiting list for an assistance animal, one woman in her 40s has been made to "feel bad" about soon welcoming one into her home.
She explained how her future service dog is named Bobby, which just so happens to be her mum's nickname. Taking to Reddit, she said: "My mum's name is Bobbie (Barbara). She is livid and insists I rename the dog something else.
"I explained the dog has been named and trained as Bobby for two years, I just can't start calling him something else because [it'll negatively impact] his training. But my mum insists it's disrespectful to her."

Trying to come up with a solution, her brother suggested calling the dog Dobby instead - like the elf in Harry Potter.
However, this idea didn't go down well.
"I will not be doing that, she added. "My sister thought it was hysterical and is now going to call my service animal my house elf."
Since their altercation, the woman has been inundated with messages from her family all asking her to change the dog's name because her "mum is in tears" over it.
She said: "I've told my mum I have no control over the dog's name. She asked me to wait for another dog.
"I've already waited for years; I'm not doing it over this.
"My sister says it boils down to our control freak mum can't stand the idea that I'll be 'giving commands' to someone with her name.
"My brother, who lives with our mum, is absolutely siding with mum and telling me she hasn't been able to sleep well and is so distraught.
"[He said] she would just feel so much more at ease if I would just 'do the right thing for her'. It isn't about her!
"Part of me is thinking of just renaming Bobby immediately, but the other part of me is like, 'no, this would be just another way of her always getting her way and I'm not going to give in this time'."
Commenting on her post, one user said: "Your mother is being ridiculous, the fact you didn't name the puppy Bobby and your mum is acting like it's a personal attack to her.
"You're not just going to refuse a service dog because of a name. You have every right to your service dog, so to hell with them both. They aren't exactly going to hear it all the time anyway."
Another user added: "Haha, your brother coming in trying to save the day. The wise choice in this situation would be to rename your mother."
A third user said: "You didn't name the dog. Remember, this is a dog with a job.
"Imagine if you'd hired a human nurse or butler and their pre-existing name was Bobby. Would you think it's reasonable for your mum to demand you call them something else?
"Also, your mum suggested you delay the help you need over the dog's name. That clearly makes her the a***hole."
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