Of all the stories that can be characterized as “family drama,” a special place is occupied by the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In fact, not every married woman can boast that she gets along well with the mother of her spouse. Rather, it is the opposite—and even folklore emphasizes this more than once.
The user u/AssumptionOwn7651, author of today’s story, is a new mom, and what is definitely darkening her joy of motherhood today is her difficult relationship with her boyfriend’s mother. And the birth of a granddaughter, unfortunately, didn’t improve the grandma’s attitude toward our heroine at all…
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The author of the post is a new mom, and is happy—but her mother-in-law, alas, doesn’t get along with her

Image credits: koldunova_anna / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The lady was almost happy when the couple broke up some time ago, until they reconciled

Image credits: AssumptionOwn7651

Image credits: Kenneth Surillo / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Recently, the mother-in-law was holding her newborn grandkid, and wouldn’t hand her over to the mom—just the dad

Image credits: AssumptionOwn7651
The author was baffled by this behavior since it wasn’t the first time, and decided to seek support online
So, the Original Poster (OP) says that she recently gave birth to a daughter, and since then, she cannot understand which motives drive her mother-in-law when communicating with her. Previously, when the author and her boyfriend temporarily broke up, she kept telling him how bad his ex was, but the couple reconciled, and now everything is fine in their relationship.
However, the first time the grandma saw her newborn granddaughter, she took her in her arms, and then didn’t want to give her to her mom, instead handing her over to the dad. That surprised the OP quite a bit, but she kept quiet. And now, just recently, the MIL took the baby girl in her arms again, and held her until she cried because she was hungry.
The author was sitting on the couch next to her MIL, but she again wouldn’t give her the baby—and only when the original poster directly stated that the baby was hungry, she handed her over… but, as you can guess, again into the hands of her son! And he, also quite surprised by such behavior, handed the daughter to her mom.
Our heroine says that she has always been interested in psychology and the reasons that underlie this or that behavior. And now, it seems to her that her MIL, most likely, simply hates her, and thus denies the unpleasant person the right to be a decent mom in her eyes. So the author decided to seek advice online. What is the best way to act in this particular situation?

Image credits: nappy/ Pexels (not the actual photo)
Well, the relationship between MIL and DIL often leaves much to be desired, and so it has been, alas, since ancient times. Older women, seeing in their daughter-in-law a competitor for the attention of their son, automatically begin to dislike them. They see only shortcomings and turn a blind eye to any advantages. As a result, such a reaction from the MIL often only harms the family life of their son.
“If the mother-in-law, as this woman says, has never loved her, then it’s not surprising that she does not consider her parenting expertise worthwhile,” says Irina Matveeva, a psychologist and certified NLP specialist, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment on this case. “This may simply be a subconscious reaction, and she may not be aware of her own actions.”
“But no matter how much experience this lady has, this is not her child, but her daughter-in-law’s, and she is fully responsible for the baby. And it’s important to realize this. Therefore, it would be worth talking to her in detail, trying to resolve all the omissions and conflicts. It’s very important for the partner to be on her side.
“If all of the above doesn’t help, then it goes either counseling or further distancing from each other. The mother must understand that her son has grown up, he has his own life, and she’s no longer the main person in it. And the sooner she realizes this, the better,” Irina summarizes.
By the way, both experts and commenters on the original post also agree with this point of view. “The critical advice I can give on the mother-in-law/daughter in law relationship is don’t assume that because you think it, it is true,” Janet Quinlan, a life coach, says on her blog. Many responders fully supported the author, admitting that she is not alone in her problems with her MIL.
And what do you, our dear readers, think about this tale? Please feel free to share your thoughts and maybe your own similar tell-tale stories in the comments below this post.
Most commenters unanimously sided with the new mom, claiming that they have similar problems with own mothers-in-law

Image credits: Kristina Paukshtite / Pexels (not the actual photo)