In My Life with the Walter Boys episode 8, we see Cole going on a downward spiral following his fight with Alex, losing Erin, and Jackie's apparent disinterest in him.
As a result, his grades are slipping, he's losing focus and generally lashing out, which sours otherwise happy moments such as Katherine's important work award. It's a tough time for the Walters on multiple levels.
With Cole struggling, rivalries continuing, and the ranch still under pressure financially, it's hard to tell when things will settle down.
Here's what happened in episode 8...
Cole starts spiralling

Despite the drama, episode 8 opens with happy news that Katherine will receive an award for her hard work as a vet, and there's a gala to celebrate. Will is still living with his family following the rough patch with Hayley, and his parents are worried he's overdoing it.
At school, Cole walks out in the middle of an English exam and the teacher follows, asking why he's doing this. Cole admits he didn't even start the essay and doesn't see the point in trying.
Erin's mother confronts her about missing warm-up with her teammates, and she says she won't participate because she's doing play rehearsals. She tells her she's throwing away her future.
On the track, Erin's mother asks Jackie to run a 400m at the interschool track meet. She wins the race and later meets Cole's English teacher who asks her to pass on an extra credit assignment in an attempt to pull his grades up.
George has a heart-to-heart with Will about Cole, where he admits that he's worried his injury will impact the rest of his life and that he'll choose to give up instead of following a new career path. Will is convinced he is strong enough to move forward.
In dress rehearsals, people aren't happy with Isaac's performance and Danny is relieved it isn't just him who thinks that because he's sad about not getting the part. Erin jokes it would be "way easier to pretend to fall in love with you" before leaving.
Cole gets high with one of his friends and starts acting up, causing a scene in a café and heckling the waitress about having a crush on his brother, which he denies. He also goes on about how Alex and Jackie shouldn't be together.
Cole lies in late on Saturday morning, and Danny comes in and tells him to get some food and get himself together before Katherine's award gala. At school, Danny and Isaac argue about the play because Isaac wants to throw in the towel and Danny reminds him show opens in a week.
Isaac gives up the part to Danny, who asks why he's suddenly changed his mind. Isaac thinks he's terrible but Danny says all he needs to do is learn how to deliver his lines, but Danny insists on giving him a crash course. Erin and her mother reconcile after she watches a dress rehearsal, telling her that her father would be proud.
At home, Cole continues to act out, hogging the bathroom while everyone's trying to get ready. George attempts to talk to him and he rebuffs him before he leaves the house.
Ahead of the gala, Katherine worries that Cole won't show up. George and Katherine both admit they have no idea how to get through to their son.
Cole receives an angry text from Danny asking where he is, and he arrives late to the gala, pushing both doors open. He immediately asks for a drink and decides not to eat, going on to pour whiskey from a hip flask into his glass and having several more drinks. Will tells him to pull himself together but he ignores him.
Drunk, Cole gets up in the middle of Katherine's speech and immediately runs into a waiter, spilling food everywhere. He loudly asks why they are walking around, and George sends a subtle text to Will asking him to get him out of there, and he goes off after him.
Jackie follows, despite Alex's protests. Will firmly tells Cole that hurting everyone around him is a choice and he can stop it. Jackie asks Cole what he wants and if she can help, and he tells her he wishes she hadn't come to Colorado. This upsets her and she hits back, telling him she wished her family hadn't died, so "maybe they want the same thing."