My Life with the Walter Boys episode 7 picks up after the dramatic events of episode 6, which saw tensions at an all-time high during a bonfire party.
Alex finally snapped and punched Cole, and Erin found out that Cole had been messing around with her best friend, so the Walter boys haven't exactly been conducting themselves very well in recent weeks.
Elsewhere, Jackie is hurt by the brothers' ongoing feud between the two boys and worries that Alex is only with her to rub it in Cole's face, so things are pretty stressful on the Walter ranch right now.
Here's what went down in episode 7...
Family Feuds

The episode picks up with Katherine and George having a chat, where she tells him that Alex punched Cole and that Alex and Jackie have been dating since Thanksgiving. They become concerned about some of the relationships and agree to set ground rules.
Meanwhile, Katherine tries to help Will after he returns to the ranch. She learns that he didn't break up with Hayley but they had a huge argument.
Jackie heads to a coffee shop the next day where literally everyone is talking about the bonfire fight, including her friends, because "it's the most exciting thing to happen in Silver Falls". While Jackie doesn't approve of the gossip she's told that it will likely blow over soon.
Katherine speaks to Cole about what happened, warning him that Jackie is in an emotionally fragile place and he shouldn't do anything to stir the pot. George has a similar conversation with Alex in an attempt to get everyone on the same page.
At school, Alex blurts out that he was "in love" with Paige and attempts to backtrack, but Jackie says she can't deal with the conversation and runs off class, leaving Alex wondering if he'd messed things up. Jackie tells her friends she's worried she's just a rebound.
More rumours start spreading about Cole and Alex which puts a strain on their already fractured relationship. Cole accuses Jackie of being "on Alex's side" and she confirms she is, asking why she wouldn't be.
Cole confronts Alex in the school auditorium after someone blurts out he confessed to George that Cole had been sneaking girls into the house, and the two got into another fistfight in front of people, who started filming with their phones. A teacher intervenes and tells them to go to the principal's office while Jackie looks on disapprovingly.
Following the fight, Katherine is called in where she learns Alex and Cole received a three-day suspension for the fight, while some of the others got a two-day for getting involved. She angrily tells them that they're going home immediately.
Back at the house, Katherine and George ground them for a month and tell them they'll be doing extra chores too. They leave Alex and Cole to try and figure things out but they just argue more, before they're interrupted by Nathan suddenly collapsing.
The family head to the emergency room where they later learn that Nathan suffered a seizure and they want to keep him in overnight as a precautionary measure. Alex meets Jackie at a coffee shop where he explains what's been going on.
Alex and Jackie have a conversation about their relationship and Jackie asks if she is a rebound, which Alex firmly denies before they kiss. Jackie confirms they are still together as long as he doesn't hide anything else from her.
Cole heads to school and approaches Erin in the parking lot and asks her if she wants to ditch school. Erin gets angry and stresses that they're over, and that she's sick of always doing whatever he wants.
Erin heads to the auditorium to audition for the school play, because Much Ado About Nothing is her favorite play and she's sick of always doing sports like her mother wants her to. She delivers an impassioned speech about why she loves the play, which seems to impress those around her. Erin later gets cast in the role of Beatrice.
Back at the hospital, Katherine and George learn that Nathan had another seizure while they were doing the ECG. However, they were able to diagnose Nathan with epilepsy which means they now understand the source of what's going on.
Nathan is discharged and learns more about what's happened. Meanwhile, Danny confronts Isaac after learning he stole his monologue and auditioned for the play. Danny really cares about theatre while Isaac just wanted to "pick up chicks", causing further rifts in the Walter family.
Jackie has been out for a jog and got lost, reluctantly calling the Walter house where Cole picks up. After describing where she is, Cole says he knows where she is and that he'll come and get her.
The two have an awkward drive home where Jackie attempts to apologize for things she said, and Cole stops the car and asks her to remind him. She admits she's trying to fix things for Alex's sake. They argue and Cole questions why she's even with Alex.
She says she's with him because he doesn't treat girls badly like Cole does. Cole accuses her of flirting with him then going off with Alex, and she gets out the car and attempts to walk the rest of the way.
Cole and Jackie have a tense argument in the middle of the rain which results in them just staring at each other, which is where this episode ends.