Passing on your family surname to your kids is a point of great pride for many people, however, things can get a little awkward if you've got a particularly unique one.
One parent has found themselves facing a bit of a dilemma when it comes to their husband's last name, which has a few unfortunate connotations, to say the least.
The surname in question is "Butt", and it's easy to see why they have more than a few qualms about passing it down to the next generation.
Wanting to spare their children from potential sniggers, the worried parent now hopes to persuade her husband to consider other choices but isn't sure how to broach this rather sensitive topic with him.

Taking to Reddit, the concerned parent wrote: "My husband's last name is Butt. Can someone please help me illuminate to him why this last name is less than ideal?
"I totally get we can't shield kids from everything and I understand the whole family ties thing but c'mon. Am I being unreasonable by suggesting our future kid either take my name, a hybrid, or a new one altogether?"
Sympathising with their plight, one fellow Reddit user advised: "You are absolutely not being unreasonable. Your husband's last name is objectively pretty awful, and of course, you don't want your child to have it.
"Also, even if it wasn't that bad, you would be still entitled to at least suggest that your child takes your last name since you are also going to be their parent.
"Your last name has the same family ties and goes back as far as his. Also, he needs to think about his child. Let's be honest, their life is going to be a lot easier with a 'normal'/not bad last name.x"
Another commented: "My husband's boss has a horrendous last name, worse than Butt, but he was self-aware enough to suggest his kids take his wife's name. So that's what they did and everyone's happy, except for the boss's parents."
As per the Ancestry website, "Butt" is a nickname derived from the Middle English "but(te)" and the Old English "butta", which means "(something or someone) short and stumpy".
Interestingly, Butt was also used as a personal name right up until c. 1200. Although it's difficult to imagine someone giving their child this as a first name nowadays, it would appear there are still plenty of proud Butts out there, determined to keep their family name alive.
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