When you're getting ready to welcome a baby into the world, it's a really exciting time. You're undergoing all the necessary preparations including painting their nursery, thinking of a name, and even getting ultrasound images done so you can show your nearest and dearest your little one before you welcome them into your lives.
But one woman was left less than impressed when she proudly showed her husband the 4D ultrasound pictures and videos she'd had done earlier that day, and his reaction was unkind.
Rather than gushing over the pictures as she'd anticipated, he made a joke about the way his son looked - and the mum-to-be was gutted.

She took to Reddit to write: "I (26F) am married to 'Bill' (30M). We are expecting our first child together in three weeks but I have an eight-year-old from a previous relationship."
She explained that Bill has no filter, and she explained that "it's extremely annoying at times" because she "overthinks everything."
"Today I went for an appointment and they did a 4D ultrasound because they haven't been able to see his face lately due to him always sucking his thumb", she said.
"I've never had a 4D ultrasound before and was so excited to see my baby. Of course like all 4D ultrasounds the baby looked like a crisp lasagna when you don’t know what you're looking at but still cute and exciting seeing your baby and all their facial features for the first time.
"I got home and waited for Bill to come home so I could show him the photos and videos. I have him sit down and I clicked on the best clearest photo we got to show him first, he looks at the photo and I'm pointing out there's his eyes and nose and mouth, etc, and the first thing out of his mouth is 'wow he's ugly' immediately.
"I got mad, locked my phone, and refused to show him any other photos. He asked if that was the only photo I got and I said 'no I got more but why the f*** would I show them to you if you're just going to sit there and call my baby ugly? I was so excited to show you these and you've completely ruined the moment because you don't know how to shut your damn mouth'."
She said he looked shocked that she was bad and claimed it was unfair because she'd referred to him as a 'little s***' when she was in pain, but she told him it wasn't the same thing.
He didn't understand why his wife was upset, and she asked if she was unreasonable for reacting in the way she did.
In the comments, someone wrote: "I you were upset by what he said, I can understand why you wouldn't want to show him more. But, let's be honest, those photos are creepy as f***."
Another said: "As a six-month-old pregnant woman, who is also a mum to a beautiful four-year-old girl - newborn babies are sooooo ugly. They're squished little potato aliens. But we say they're cute because hormones!
"My little girl was the most handsome 85-year-old man when she was a fresh human. She literally looked like someone's grandpa."
A Redditor reasoned: "If we're being honest, newborns are almost always kinda ugly and creepy. They get a lot cuter after a month or two but they are NOT cute when firstborn - it's just the polite thing to say unless you manage to snap a SUPER GOOD picture.
"I think it's fair to be upset by such a rude comment and the original poster's husband should have known better than to say such a rude thing. Not the a**hole (and the husband is - because saying rude s*** doesn't make it okay just because it's true)."
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