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Bored Panda
Bored Panda
Ilona Baliūnaitė

50 Uplifting Posts That Prove We Don’t Deserve Animals, As Shared On This FB Page

Imagine how boring life would be if only humans lived on planet earth… Luckily we get to share our air, land and sea with so many other creatures. Around 2,16 million different animal species to be exact. That’s according to the IUCN Red List. And we haven’t even discovered all of them yet. Researchers are finding over 14 thousand new animal species every year.

Facebook page We Love Animal News has 109 thousand followers, and is dedicated to “cherishing all creatures, big and small”. They share wholesome and uplifting animal stories and photos. Some of which might melt your heart. Keep scrolling for our favorites, and don’t miss the chat Bored Panda had with animal rescue expert, Clare Travers. She’s the Canine Manager at Animal Welfare Helderberg.


"So I’m driving down the road this morning and the cars in front of me are driving over a black thing in the road. It’s going between their tires so I’m guessing it’s a box. It’s a kitten just sitting upright shaking like a leaf. And some idio* had spread glue on its paws and stuck it to the road. I thought maybe it walked through glue somewhere but after looking at it, that was totally spread into her paws. She was wet and freezing and literally glued to the road. And NO ONE STOPPED. What the f$&k people??? I slammed on my brakes and stopped all the traffic and put my hazards on and got out and pealed her off the road. People were honking and all pissy....really??? It’s a kitten glued to the road!! So after a goo gone bath and some food and cream we have a new kitten. Luckiest kitten in the world!"

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My girlfriend told me she'd end our relationship if I took in a dog that was found a few blocks from our house. A year has passed, and now I'm single but have a perfectly healthy pup.

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"This kind woman walked into our shelter and asked who the oldest, hardest to adopt dog was. So we introduced her to Jake. All I can say is God Bless this woman. Jake has been with us for a long time, is a senior, and has cancer in addition to skin problems. He was getting passed up time and time again. But Melani came to the shelter not just to find a great dog, but to save a life and give unconditional love to a dog in need. As you can see, it's a match made in heaven. Please help us thank Melani. People like her are our heroes."

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“The inspector handed her over to me and she put her little head on my shoulder and put her front paw on my chest. I named her Cindy. They say animals can't speak but that day she told me she was so grateful that we saved her, and that she was going to fight her way back to a healthy life,” says Clare Travers during our interview. She’s seen a lot in her 14 years working at an animal shelter, but this is one of the memories seared in her heart and mind.

“It was two months ago,” she goes on to tell Bored Panda. “A member of the public called us about a puppy that was living on a rubbish dump. Our inspector went out and collected her, and brought her back to the kennels. She was around 3 months old and had been on the dump from about 6 weeks of age, withstanding the elements and struggling to survive. She was in horrific condition and severely neglected and emaciated. One of her legs was only half a leg and terribly infected. She was so sad and depressed on arrival.”


In 2012, a stray cat randomly entered a home in Wales where a blind dog was living and, after sensing the dog's disability, became its personal guide. The cat learnt to direct and nudge the dog away from obstacles, and would protect it while out on walks.

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After being missing for 4 days, this dog was found protecting these orphaned kitties

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Brazilian priest Juan Pablo takes abandoned dogs off the streets, and feeds and bathes them. Then he introduces a dog to each Mass and to find each one a home. Dozens of stray dogs have families because of this man. We hope this idea catches on. God bless you father

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Travers dedicates her days to saving abandoned, abused, neglected and surrendered dogs. She still thinks of all the dogs she helped, including Cindy. “Our medical staff took a look at her and suggested euthanasia, because of the bad shape that she was in. But Cindy and I had made a pact - I would do everything I could to restore her health and find her a loving home, and she would be very brave and fight for her health.”

Thankfully, Cindy’s story had a happy ending. “With the help of the public we raised enough money to cover all her medical costs as well as her leg amputation,” Travers told us. “A foster home came forward, her adoption fee was sponsored, and as soon as she was ready for adoption the most wonderful family came forward to adopt her and give her a loving home. It wasn't easy for Cindy and she went through a lot but we both kept our promises to each other. Today she is living her best life and in the most beautiful family home.”


His house was burned but he saved the most precious thing

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In Argentina, there's a restaurant called Restobar Dickens, with a sign saying: "We ask all our customers with all our hearts not to be upset by the number of stray dogs that may be in the restaurant. We are a pet friendly place and we give water, food and lots of love to these sweet angels. I'm sorry if it bothers you, but they're not doing anything wrong, they're just looking for food or shelter.”

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Animal rescuers paid around $8,000 to buy all the dogs that were already in a truck on its way to the slaughterhouse. This is a picture taken after they are brought to the rescue center

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It’s stories like those that keep Clare going. Many times, her work is heartbreaking. “Every single day, there is sadness. There are dogs arriving that are so ill because the people have not done anything to help their sick animals and come to our shelter for help when it is too late,” she told us.

“Many animals suffer and don't get the help that they need. Many dogs are brought to our shelter for medical treatment. It's very hard to see their owners and how they are treated, because often you can tell that the dogs don't belong in a good home but there's nothing you can do about it. It's also incredibly sad when stray animals are picked up on the streets and they are in the most neglected and sad condition and you think about the tough life they have lived.”


The owner of this shop welcomes stray dogs at night, offering them a safe haven. He even places blankets on the cold tiles to ensure every dog has a cozy bed.

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Today I found this kid tied up with a bag next to him that had his things. I didn't think if I have space, if I have a job, what my husband will say or come on baby let someone else do it. I just took him, I told him it's okay that he is scared, that I understand and that everything will be fine. I am sharing the photo so everyone can see the look of terror, sadness and shock in his eyes. The animal is in shock just like a human child would be. Today we will become a family. I hope our hug heals this traumatic experience

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"My grandma passed away last week, and every day, without fail, she used to feed the foxes that visited her garden. Today, when we went over, the baby fox was sitting outside, waiting for her to come out. Seeing his little face broke my heart"

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It takes a special kind of person to be able to work in this kind of environment. Being an animal lover is not enough. Travers says for her, it’s a passion. Not a job. She’s been at Animal Welfare Helderberg in South Africa since 2010. “You never know what the day is going to hold,” she told Bored Panda.

“My average day would involve taking in strays, taking in surrenders, dealing with adoptions, doing home checks, making sure all the kennel animals are healthy, assisting the public that are coming to view the animals, taking dogs into theater for sterilization and other operations, getting all vaccinations and deworming up to date. Lots of admin work.” Travers is a Jill of all trades, doing a little bit of a lot every single day. All in the name of dogs.

“Getting any ill dogs checked out by the vet, networking, advertising and posting animals on our social media pages, dealing with a huge amount of phone calls, emails and WhatsApps from the public that need help with rehoming their dogs or helping their sick animals, and the list goes on,” she explained.


George, the valiant Jack Russell Terrier, heroically saved five children from a ferocious attack by two pit bulls in Manaia, New Zealand. Despite his small size compared to the attacking dogs, George bravely defended the children by barking and charging at the pit bulls to shield them. His courageous actions resulted in severe injuries, leading a veterinarian to put him down due to the severity of the mauling. George's heroism did not go unrecognized. The New Zealand Society for the Protection of Animals honored him with a bravery medal, and he was also awarded the PDSA Gold Medal by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals. This medal is considered the animal counterpart to the George Cross, underscoring George's exceptional bravery. Additionally, a monument was erected in his honor.

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OMG. My wife and I found these three on a hiking trip tied up to a pole with wire so short, they couldn't lay down and with no food or water, not that they could reach it even if there was. We knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so we took them. The white one collapsed on the way to the car, so I had to carry her the rest of the way. Animal cruelty should be a Class C Felony with a mandatory 10-year prison term.

Image credits: weloveanimalnews


After the loss of his parents, Roscoe, a 3-year-old orangutan, became so depressed that he refused to eat and didn't respond to medical treatments. The vets feared he might die of sadness. Meanwhile, the zookeepers discovered an old, sick dog wandering the zoo grounds where Roscoe resided and brought him to the animal treatment center. Coincidentally, the dog arrived just as Roscoe was receiving care. From the moment they met, the two forlorn creatures became inseparable companions. Roscoe found a newfound purpose in life, and both strive to be the best of friends to each other. They spend all their time together, enjoying various activities in Northern California, where swimming is a particular favorite. Although Roscoe is somewhat afraid of the water, his canine friend helps him overcome his fears. Together, they have rediscovered the joy and laughter in life, cherishing the value of their friendship.

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Her work is taxing but Travers says she wouldn’t change it for the world. “I love everything about my job but there are two things that are particularly wonderful. Firstly, it's when our kennel dogs are adopted and find loving homes. There's nothing more beautiful than watching an orphaned shelter dog go home with a loving family, and you know they are going to be so happy and spoiled,” she said, beaming from the inside out.

“The second thing that I find very rewarding is when abused dogs arrive at the kennels that are petrified of the human race and after a few days of working gently with them they transform into happy, loving and confident dogs. It's incredibly rewarding to see that transformation.” It's why Travers finds it hard to part with the dogs that do get adopted.


John Unger adopted his dog Schoep when he was a puppy. Today Schoep is 19 years old and has Arthritis. He's in pain and can't sleep. His owner John, trying to find a solution to his pain, discovered that the water from the lake helps relax Schoep, so every night he takes him for a swim in the lake so he can get some sleep. The photo was captured by Hannah Stonehouse Hudson, who wanted to portray the unlimited love this owner has for his dog.

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The groom getting his best man ready for the wedding ... One of the best wedding photos ever!

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Every afternoon, when his small business closes for the day, the kind-hearted owner leaves food and water for the stray dogs in his town. I don't know him personally, but he has my utmost respect.

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Travers bonds with each and every dog that comes through the shelter doors. "I grow to love the dogs so much and they're so special to me. They're all so unique. I spend so much time with them and give so much of myself to them. I love them almost like they're my own," she told us.

Her aim is to find forever homes for all the dogs. But she says it's bittersweet each time an adoption happens. "It's so wonderful to see them go off to loving homes. It's really beautiful. But when they get adopted, it's so hard to see them go and to say goodbye. Knowing that you've invested so much of yourself into the dog and the dog just gets taken away, it's a very hard thing to deal with. It's really hard to let go," said Travers and we could hear the sadness in her voice.


This guy has this dog, and she can't walk anymore. So he takes her out for a walk every day in a wheelchair. I couldn't find any words for this

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In 2007, a US Marine in Iraq befriended a stray desert dog called Nubs. After someone stabbed the dog with a screwdriver the marine nursed him back to health, developing such a bond that when the unit left Nubs picked up the scentand walked 70 miles through Iraqi desert warzone to be with him..

Image credits: weloveanimalnews


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She has a message to anyone considering adopting a dog, or any pet for that matter. “Make sure you have all the resources you need and that you are fully prepared for the addition of a furry friend. Dogs need good quality food, a safe home environment, training, attention, exercise, medical treatment, stimulation and companionship. Adopting a dog is a commitment that you make for 10 to 18 years.”

But it goes a little deeper. For dogs, cats, horses, bunnies, and other animals alike. “If you are adopting a specific breed, make sure you understand this breed and have researched their temperament, character and personality," explained Travers. "Make sure that they are suited to your life. For example, a border collie is very well suited to an active person with a large spacious home or a farm.”


My husband and his colleague were traveling on a remote road in South Australia. About thirty kilometers from the nearest town, they encountered a dog walking along the roadside in the darkness. The dog was old and visibly exhausted, but he gladly hopped into their work vehicle. The men decided to turn around and head back to Coober Pedy. Upon arriving, they found the local Police Station closed. Turning to Facebook, they came across a post about a missing dog and contacted the owner. It turned out that the 13-year-old dog had been missing for six days, and the owner had nearly lost hope. The men reunited Max with his owner before heading back out on their journey.

Image credits: weloveanimalnews


I adopted my blind dog, and even though he can't see, he's just like any other dog. Every day, I remind him that he's the most beautiful thing to me, that he's unique, and that I love him exactly as he is. He's a happy, healthy, confident, and loving pet! Disabled animals can absolutely enjoy well-being and quality of life, and they deserve forever families! I've never regretted adopting a blind animal; it was the best gift ever.

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Two photos taken an hour apart... before and after adoption. Dogs are like humans they don't like to be in a cage

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Travers advises going to the shelter and spending time with the animal to see its personality and if the two of you bond. “There must be a connection,” she said. “Adoption is such an easy and beautiful way to get a pet. Not only are you providing a home to an orphaned dog but rescue dogs are the most loving, faithful and devoted companions.”

Travers has two adopted dogs of her own. So she knows what she’s talking about when she says the rescues are among the most loving and loyal. But this woman doesn’t discriminate. To her, all animals are amazing. “Animals cannot speak for themselves, yet they are unconditionally loving and so loyal and devoted to their owner,” she told us. “They have such a positive effect on our life and it's a known fact that our bodies release a lot of endorphins in their presence- the hormones that make us feel good and lift our mood.”


Out on the streets, I saw a lonely dog searching for scraps, his hopeful eyes met with indifference. My heart ached, and I knew I had to help. Now, look at him curled up peacefully, his full belly a testament to a new beginning. Adoption is love, and this sweet pup has found his forever home

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Doggo seeking shelter from rain went inside a church where a wedding was being held... And took a nap on the brides veil.

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“I was driving up 75, and saw the trooper in the turnout... checked my speed, oh I'm good. A few minutes later, I see a dog in the ditch by one of the signs for exit 20. She looked bad. I was in the left lane, heading to an appointment, and was torn. I decided I would go back southbound and risk a ticket by going to the turnout. I turned in and the trooper was still there! Yay! He rolled down his window and said "Yep! I'm here" to which I told him about the dog and I didn't want a ticket, but if I could help that dog, it was fine by me. He just asked where the dog was and was on his way! I followed and we found her, still there, panting like she was fixing to die. That trooper dumped his jug out and fashioned a water bowl for her. Then poured a couple of bottles of water. The dog was scared of him, but frozen in weakness. She sniffed the water, then realized this kindness was for her! She drank that water down in minutes! The trooper went and got her some more, plus a Little Debbie. She watched him warily the whole time. She sniffed his hand but was still wary. Next thing, he goes to his vehicle and gets a chair and an umbrella. He told me he would stay here until she trusts him, so he can get her to a shelter, or take her home. I believe his being there at the right time, was one of those little messages reminding us of the good in our world. Meet Trooper Tudors of the TN State Highway Patrol. One of the good guys for sure..’

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If she were to choose a companion, it’d be man’s - or woman’s best friend. “Dogs are like soul therapy and have a way of naturally warming our hearts and brightening our days. They are such vulnerable, innocent and loving creatures, who do no harm unless it's been taught by humans. They are completely devoted, faithful and love with their whole hearts.”


My dad was under a lot of stress, so we thought getting him a dog might help. Seeing him now surrounded by the dog in a cuddle puddle, it looks like our plan worked!

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This pitbull pulled out her teddy to show it to a dog of another car

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This powerful photo captured the moment 40- year-old chimpanzee Dorothy, who died of heart failure, was being carried away. Behind the fence, at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, together all of the chimpanzees stood silently. Some with hands on the shoulders of one another.

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Kabang: The Hero Who Taught Us the True Meaning of Love and Sacrifice ❤️ In the heart of Zamboanga City, Philippines, a humble dog named Kabang captured the world’s attention with a single, selfless act that would define her life and legacy forever. One fateful day in 2011, Kabang saw two young girls—her family’s children—crossing the street, unaware of the speeding motorcycle heading straight toward them. Without a moment’s hesitation, Kabang leaped into the path of the oncoming vehicle, saving the girls from what could have been a fatal accident. Her brave act cost her dearly; Kabang sustained severe injuries, losing part of her snout and jaw in the process. But what Kabang lost physically, she more than made up for in spirit. Her story spread far beyond the Philippines, touching hearts around the globe. People from all walks of life came together to support her recovery, raising funds to send her to the United States for the specialized surgeries she needed. Kabang became a symbol of unconditional love, bravery, and the deep bond that can exist between humans and animals. Kabang lived the rest of her days surrounded by the love of those who admired her courage. On May 17, 2021, at the age of 13, she peacefully passed away in her sleep, leaving behind a legacy that would inspire generations to come. In July 2021, she was laid to rest near a statue of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, a fitting tribute to a dog whose spirit embodied the very essence of compassion. In recognition of her extraordinary bravery, a statue was unveiled in Kabang’s honor in Pasonanca Park, Zamboanga City, on August 13, 2021. The statue stands as a permanent reminder of the little dog with a huge heart, who taught the world about the power of love and sacrifice. Kabang may be gone, but her story will live on forever in our hearts.

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After enduring abuse and spending over 450 days in the shelter, a dog has finally found a forever home. Neo had faced numerous challenges, transitioning from an abusive environment to a prolonged stay in the shelter, but one rescue remained determined to see him through

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This is Togo, the unsung hero of a daring 1925 mission that saved a whole town in Alaska. When a deadly diphtheria outbreak hit Nome, over 10,000 lives were in grave danger. The only hope was to get life-saving medicine across 1,120 miles (1,800 kilometers) of frozen wilderness in just five days. It was a race against time through some of the most extreme and dangerous conditions imaginable. Togo, a brave sled dog, took on the hardest part of the journey, covering an incredible 260 miles (418 kilometers). This is the inspiring story of a real-life hero who defied the odds to save an entire town.

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"My husband and I rescued this little guy last year...we rescued him from this crazy lady, you could feel him relax when we started to drive away. This was taken on the ride home, he was literally smiling at my husband like this for the rest of the day. Best decision ever. Meet Harry Houdini"

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I can't believe it, 6 months ago I saved your life, and today you are enjoying it, I love you with all my being

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Happy 92nd birthday to this incredible soul! ?? Not only does she celebrate with cake and candles, but she also shares her special day with her beloved dogs.

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I spotted a woman at a feral cat colony, sitting on the cold ground, all bundled up and offering bites of canned cat food to the cats. These feral cats were all over her, rubbing against her and even climbing onto her beat-up old Ford to sit on its warm engine hood. The selflessness of some people is truly heartwarming, especially in our "me-first" society.

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Sisu. The dog who broke into a Dollar General Store 5 times to steal the same purple unicorn-the same exact one. Not others like it near by, but that one in particular. Animal control was called, and the officer, Officer Lane, bought the toy for him before she brought the dog to the Duplin County Animal Shelter. I got to talk to Officer Lane. She purchased the unicorn with her own money, and said, 'well, it is what he wanted"

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There is a festival in Nepal that dedicates an entire day to thank dogs for their friendship and loyalty. Nepal’s Kukur Tihar Festival is a heartwarming celebration where dogs are honored with garlands and treats.

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13 years later, and the bond is as strong as ever. From nap times as a baby to shared moments as a teenager, this boy and his loyal dog have grown up together, proving that true friendship stands the test of time. Best friends forever

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I adopted this little guy yesterday. He's spent his entire life in a shelter and looks so happy to be going to his first home

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Bandit, a sweet wheelchair-bound dog, had been returned to shelters four times. His special needs scared off potential adopters. But then, Darrell and Sue Rider saw Bandit's Facebook post. Darrell, also in a wheelchair, felt an instant connection. "He was just like me," Darrell said. After careful consideration and discussions with the shelter, they finally met Bandit. The connection was undeniable. Bandit's tail wagged furiously, his "smile" wider than ever. They knew Bandit was home. Saying goodbye at the shelter was bittersweet. But as Bandit settled into his new home, his joy was contagious. He explored every corner, his wheels whirring happily. The Riders were finally complete, their hearts overflowing with love for their furry companion. Bandit, surrounded by love and understanding, had finally found where he belonged.

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"Come on, boy!" On our way home, we had stopped by a pet shop to pick up cat food. While there, I noticed a baby crying and saw a sign indicating it was up for adoption. The lady at the shop explained that someone had left the baby near a tree outside. When I looked into the baby's eyes, I felt an immediate connection and decided, 'You're coming with me!' No lives should be lost!"

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Participated in 12 combat missions, 150 air raids, and a typhoon in Okinawa. Awarded 8 Battle Stars and credited as being one of the first therapy dogs.

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Actual photo of service dogs watching Billy Elliot The Musical as part of their behaving in a theater training. My heart can't take it

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This amazing person's dog is terminal, → so they've made a bucket list for him. Here's Dylan living his best life- enjoying a steak and rocking a top hat!

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