Jon Bon Jovi has revealed a positive outlook in his ongoing recovery from surgery to repair his damaged vocal cord – and he says he's hopeful he can get back out on the road with Bon Jovi.
Last year, the singer said there was "no miracle" that was likely to help him heal to the extent that touring would be possible again.
But in a new interview, he is sounding much more hopeful.
He also says he wants to give Bon Jovi's 16th album Forever, released last year, another chance to shine – both by supporting it with a proper tour and re-releasing it to include appearances from a host of guest stars.
He tells Sound On Sound: "This is an album that we're very proud of, and I think it's the best Bon Jovi record since Lost Highway or at least Have a Nice Day.
"We love every song on it and it was a joy to make this album, but I just wasn't ready to go and book shows post-surgery recovery. So, I reached out to a number of friends and I said, 'If you guys would sing a verse here and there, it'll give this great album another life.'
"My focus moving forward is on the re-release of Forever, and God willing, getting back out on the road and running that project through its life."
His comments were backed up by Bon Jovi guitarist Phil X, who told Ultimate Guitar: "The last thing I heard was, retirement isn't in the picture. We're getting ready to do some rehearsals, and it looks like we'll be playing this year, so I'm excited about that."
There is no news on the artists who will collaborate with Bon Jovi on the re-released Forever, but in August of last year a new version of the album's track The People's House was released and featured a guest appearance by The War and Treaty.