Once again, Wordle players have been left stumped and upset over the game’s word of the day.
It comes after a week of glitches and complaints, as users were thrown by one Wordle having too many possible variations and another being a word many didn’t know existed.
The game was acquired by The New York Times earlier this month from creator Josh Wardle, and moved over to the platform recently.
Today, Twitter users have taken to the social media platform to express how frustrated they are about today’s Wordle having too many possible variations once again, forcing them to use up their six attempted guesses without being able to get the right variation.
(*Spoiler ahead*)
Today’s word is “swill”. However, many users reported getting the letters “S”, “I”, “L”, and “L” and being unable to complete the word.
Variations of this can include: “still”, “spill”, “shill”, “and “skill”.
But some people accused Wordle of using words that “don’t exist”, which was a similar complaint when the Wordle of the day was “caulk” earlier this week.
One player wrote: “Wordle carefully creating new words that don’t exist so they can cause the maximum amount of frustration.”
Another added: “My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.”
A third wrote in frustration: “Omg are you F****** kidding me rn… [sic]”
A fourth player took issue with Wordle using words with double letters, which it has done in the past.
Meteorologist Tyler Roney posted a picture of an angry Homer Simpson from The Simpsons and wrote: “When you go to bed barely getting by Wordle 245 X and all you can think about is how the New York Times loves double letters.”
Another Twitter user who posted their failed attempt of the day vowed that they would “just cheat” next time, while another said this would be their “villain origin story”.
However, there was also some gloating from players who were lucky (or strategic) enough to get today’s Wordle.
Some of those who did get it right posted memes of characters looking smug or pleased with themselves, such as Thomas the Tank Engine and Nicholas Cage.
Here’s to hoping that tomorrow’s Wordle will be better for all! If you’re looking for advice, you can read a linguistics professor’s best Wordle tips and tricks.