When welcoming a dog into the family, it's best to look into adopting an animal in need rather than immediately turning to a breeder.
Although rescue dogs come with back stories, it doesn't mean they're always negative, as many have been given up due to no fault of their own.
However, almost all rescue dogs have one thing in common - they usually arrive with a name.
One man has been hit with a dilemma after adopting a rescue dog who just so happens to have the same name as his daughter.
Speaking to Reddit, he said: "My wife and I have two kids, Kristopher, nine, and Sadie, 12.
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"For Kris' birthday last Friday, my wife and I decided to get him a dog, which he has been asking for since he could talk and we feel he's finally responsible enough to walk and feed a dog himself.
"My wife and I decided to adopt an older dog, not a puppy, and a medium-sized dog, and preferably a girl dog because I've heard they have better temperaments.
"Other than that, it was up to me to pick one at the Humane Society and when I got there, I immediately fell in love with a sweet 30lb pit mix with beautiful green eyes.
"When I saw her name was Sadie, like our daughter, I thought it was a sign that she belonged with our family. My wife thought the coincidence was funny when I told her too, which is important."
When Kristopher and Sadie met their new four-legged family member, they instantly fell in love with the adorable dog until they found out her name.

"So I arranged the adoption and the shelter agreed we'd pick her up last Friday after a birthday dinner for Kris.
"I pretended we were stopping at another place in the plaza and went inside and came out with the dog, Sadie," he added.
"Both kids were thrilled but Kris was the happiest I'd ever seen him, and everything was perfect until I told them her name.
"My daughter Sadie instantly said it was super embarrassing to have the same name as the dog and immediately insisted that Kris change Sadie's name.
"She kept trying to make him promise but she was already spoiling the birthday gift before we even left the parking lot so I told her we'd talk about it later."
Describing their first week with the dog as "hellish", the man explained how his daughter constantly asked whether they could change the dog's name. However, her brother refused claiming it would confuse the dog.
He added: "Kris is insistent we keep Sadie's name because she's four-years-old and has had that name her whole life. He says you wouldn't rename a four-year-old person and I think he has a point.
"I also think it's cute and funny that they have the same name. My daughter for some reason is mortified by this and won't even interact with me, her brother, or the dog.
"My wife, who thought it was cute at first, now says she sees Sadie's point and thinks we need to change the dog's name. I put my foot down because this is Kris' birthday present and his choice."
Altering being ignored by his daughter, the man has begun to question whether he was in the wrong for picking out a dog with the same name as his first-born child.
One user said: " You’re putting a dog's perceived wants - keeping her name - over your daughter's very clear needs to not have the same name as the new family dog.
"The need of the daughter, more specifically, is to be heard and have her feelings validated by her father.
"In this instance, it is specifically not being comfortable with having the same name as a dog. Parental validation and emotional security is incredibly important."
Another user added: "By having the same name as a dog, you're basically telling your daughter she's no more important to you as the dog is. You need to make sure you're giving your daughter the right message.
"Kris is a little boy and thinks it's funny that his sister is now being demeaned in this way.
"If your daughter Sadie feels like it's embarrassing you should respect her enough to call the dog something different. She feels like you're giving her the message that she is as important to you as a dog is."
Do you have a dog story to share? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.