There is no difference between writing about Chennai and writing down my emotions in a personal diary. From begging my parents to buy me a Tinkle Magazine at the Chennai Central railway station to playing barefoot on the streets with my friends, Chennai is a bittersweet mixture of longing and contentment.
Every diverse setting of Chennai evokes many memories and sentiments. Every footprint on the beach sands of Chennai reflects the multiplicity of our inner worlds. Every stranger we engage with on public buses or trains is an insight into humanity. Chennai emulates the different shades of ourselves and our dynamic personalities — it grows with us as much as we grow with it.
One could be in tranquil places like the Guindy National Park or stuck on Mount Road during rush hour; one could be a curious visitor or an ordinary resident; Chennai would still make us feel like we belong. From every road we cross to every place we reach, Chennai could push us to explore, persevere through the unknown and conquer our fears, just like it did for me.