A dog shelter has been left baffled after a mutant puppy was born with five legs and two tails.
Casas Cuna shelter in Puntarenas, in Costa Rica, took on the pooch after her original owners said they were unable to look after her or pay for the treatment she needed.
The rescue centre, who have named the pooch Mia, have been providing regular updates on her progress.
They shared a clip of the puppy drinking from a bowl of water with the message: “Watch Mia drinking water. We are busy deworming her tomorrow. She has lots of bugs.”
The dog’s extra foot and tail are located by her spine, next to her stomach.
The shelter said Mia suffers with diarrhoea and constipation due to her genetic disorder.

She also has two vaginas and two anuses. The mutant pooch relieves herself through both of the latter, according to Casas Cuna founder Sharon Solano.
However, the process apparently causes the puppy some discomfort.
As a result, Casas Cuna is seeking financial help so the puppy can undergo surgery.
Vets have to first carry out X-rays and an ultrasound to fully understand the dog’s condition and how they can best move forwards with her treatment.

The shelter said: “Your help is essential, it will be expensive but the puppy is a priority.”
Mia's siblings were all born normally and have already been adopted by local families.
In November last year a farmer in Sultanpur, India was astonished to see his goat had given birth to a kid with cyclops eyes.
The goat was born with two large eyes fused together in the middle of its forehead and had two eyeballs under one eyelid.
Crowds of people rushed to see the rare phenomenon.
Goat owner Umesh Maratha has been raising goats for years, but this is the first time he has seen anything like the mutated goat.

Meanwhile, last September in the Philippines, a mutant piglet was welcomed as a bringer of good fortune after it was born with an elephant-like trunk on its forehead.
The strange looking creature was born as one-of-a-kind of a litter of 12, in Gahit, on the island of Negros.
Video footage shows the hybrid pig-elephant with a long snout-like appendage growing out of its forehead, while a second snout is visible in the normal position.