MUSICIANS based in Scotland and the Basque Country have released a song and video on the links between the two countries.
Edinburgh-based duo Whisky Por Favor and singer Arkazubi have recorded a song that combines lyrics in Basque and Doric Scots.
The song is called Erbestera Noa meaning "I'm going abroad", and is believed to be the first ever song to be performed in both languages.
The tune was composed by Arkazubi, from Pamplona, and Whisky Por Favor members, Innes Cardno from Aberdeen and Javier Buron from Palencia, Spain.
Arkaitz Zubieta, known professionally as Arkazubi, moved to Scotland in 2019 and wanted to highlight the similarities between Scotland and the Basque Country.
Cardno and Buron added the part in Doric Scots, which works as a dialogue between the person who arrives in a new country and the one who welcomes them.
It was recorded remotely by several musicians who wanted to collaborate on the project. Artists joined the record from Pamplona, Vitoria and Bilbao, in the Basque Country, and Aberdeen and Edinburgh in Scotland.
The song premiered on the Basque national channel ETB2 last month during the show Basques around the World. The segment featured touristic destinations in Aberdeen and the North East (you can watch it here from minute 4:00).
Arkazubi said: "The idea was to write a song about the similarities between Basque and Scottish cultures, which I realised when I moved to Aberdeen.
Arkaitz Zubieta, Arkazubi, is from Pamplona in the Basque Country. (Image: -)
"I've always been really thankful for the way Scottish people have welcomed me. That's what the song reflects, that despite being far away from family and friends, they can rest knowing that I'm well."
The Basque Country consists of three provinces in northern Spain and another three in south west France.
Basque, linguistically speaking, has no direct link to any other known language. It is totally isolated from any other living language and may be the oldest in Europe.
Cardno, from Whisky Por Favor, said: "I wanted to express that despite being originally from a different place, there are so many things that unite us, and we should all have a drink, dance and celebrate diversity."
The piece contains a wide mix of instruments, such as mandolin, txistu (Basque flute), accordion, bodhran, and guitar.