Justin Myers classes singing along at pop concerts as a dating red flag (Arrives late, pours your wine and eats onions – 56 dating red flags that should send you running, 15 October). As any music fan will say, when you know the words, singing along is mandatory. The real red flag is talking while the band is playing. Oh – and thinking you’re too cool to sing along to music you supposedly love.
Stuart Helmer
Sevenoaks, Kent
• Surely a further change for Liz Truss to enact is to designate “chancellor” a unit of time. For instance: “I shan’t be away long, only a couple of chancellors.”
Lawrence Sail
• To paraphrase what Mark Twain said about New England weather: “If you don’t like a Tory government official, just wait a minute.”
John Whiting
• Re the prime minister question posed by medics to patients (Letters, 16 October), our GP daughter had the reply last year of “an idiot”. Clearly that answer, though correct, wasn’t specific enough.
Mark Hebert
St Ives, Cambridgeshire
• We were taught woodwork by a German gentleman who had a poor grasp of English idiom (Letters, 16 October). Berating a pupil for wasting his wood supply, he said: “Be careful with that piece of wood, my boy. It doesn’t grow on trees.”
Michael Hurdle
Woking, Surrey
• My chemistry teacher once said, exasperated, to his unruly class: “Why is it that every time I open my mouth some idiot speaks?”
Dr Colin Hall
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.