Murder Mindfully episode 5 on Netflix sees Björn's car blow up and his problems mount.
The episode opens with Björn’s car burning. "There's a reason that lawyers, like me, who represent mobsters feel compelled to amass status symbols. The fact of the matter is that you yourself are a status symbol for your murderous mobster client. My status symbol got melted into junk metal. But we’ll get to that,” says Björn.
Björn and Sascha being kept prisoners. They're at Boris's restaurant, "the German-Russin kingpin, formerly Dragan’s better half".
They worked together before Dragan ran off with Boris's girlfriend and Boris responded by nailing her decapitated torso to Dragan's front door!
Björn notes Boris is a cooler customer than Dragan which makes him deadlier. Björn decides to insult Boris’s Russian cuisine, which seems brave! Boris asks where Dragan is and makes it clear that he will pay for the death of one of his henchmen.
Björn warns Boris that someone is trying to frame him and force a turf war. He says all Dragan wants is to find the traitor so he and Boris can teach the traitor a lesson.
Boris says they have until Monday to find the traitor. "Four days, lawyer". And he lets them go…
Björn’s wife phones and tells him to get there because it’s Emily’s first ballet lesson. She's delighted Björn has got Emily into nursery.
At the ballet lesson, he uses his mindfulness to block out the annoying other parents and the fact he has four days to find a traitor or be murdered by Boris!
The office calls and tells him to return his company car. Björn tells his wife he's quit his job and will have more time for his family. She invites him to the zoo on Saturday.
At the police station, they discuss how the finger was found near Dragan's lake house and decide their next move should be to search it.
Björn drops his car off. Doro, the trainee lawyer from his office, goes to pick it up. Then Björn’s car explodes!
Björn now knows someone is trying to kill him. Amazingly, Doro is still alive. Björn starts to panic but goes back to his mindfulness training to try and stay calm.

He has a bath. Nicole knocks and comes in and comments that he seems awfully calm for a man whose car has just exploded. Nicole is disturbed by his calmness. She mentions the grenade used was Romanian. She says they've found one of Dragan's fingers and asks him if he knows where the rest of him is. It's clear she suspects Björn is somehow involved in Dragan disappearing. On the way out, she sees the letter from the nursery, might that be important later?
Björn cancels the zoo trip. He calls Sascha to help him find whoever tried to kill him. Sascha introduces him to Paula and Pepe. They have someone prisoner in a car boot who they captured via Björn’s tip-off that the grenade used was Romanian.
Björn feels conflicted as Paula and Pepe take the prisoner to what looks like a torture chamber. They start electrocuting the victim. Turns out he's working for Toni. "Toni lured Dragan to the parking lot. The plan was to go blow up Dragan, Igor and that big fella over there (Sascha). It was supposed to get pinned on Boris. Toni’d take the crown and Murat his number two. But then that f****** school bus screwed it all up."
He explains that Toni found Murat was going to come clean and that's why he had to die. He explains he was asked to kill Murat and Björn at that game reserve. Sascha asks how Toni knew that Murat was going to meet with the lawyer? And we at last learn who the police mole is — Moller, who was bugging the phone. Their torture victim also admits to the hand grenade attack on the officer manager and he also blew up Björn’s car. Björn says they might need their torture victim again, so can they keep him and Paula replies: "Sure boss".
Björn leaves and Boris pulls up in a car and asks him to get in. Boris says he has another job for him, he says he wants to bring him to Dragan. He tells him he has three days. "Why didn't I let Dragan kill me last Saturday in the ice cream shop?” ponders Björn. "It sure would’ve made my life a whole hell of a lot easier".