Murder Mindfully episode 2 sees Björn go from mafia lawyer to killer. Here's everything that happened in the second episode of the Netflix series...
Murder Mindfully episode 2 opens with video footage of Dragan clubbing to death his rival while the bus of school children film him. We then cut to the police discussing the footage. The head officer, Nicole Egmann, lists Dragan's potential safe houses and pins up a photo of Björn, saying she's confident Dragan will try to contact him.
Afterward, Moller, one of the cops, tells her they should talk about Björn, but she replies that she barely knew him, they were just classmates.
Meanwhile, Björn distracts his daughter with some ice cream while he puts Dragan in the boot of his car. Björn doesn’t want to put his daughter in the same car as "this literal psychopath", which is fair enough! He starts to drive out of the car park but is stopped by Moller. Moller asks an ice-cool Björn if he's seen Dragan and he says yes he's in my trunk! Moller chuckles not of course knowing that Dragan is indeed in the boot. After giving the cop a lesson on the law, Björn drives off.

Nicole phones Björn and tells him to call if hears from Dragan. "We've never had such a slam-dunk homicide case," she says. They finally reach the beautiful lake-side holiday home. Dragan hammers the boot but Björn decides rather than setting him free he wants to spend quality time with his daughter. His mind heads back to his mindfulness guru who tells him freedom is doing nothing and saying "no" to things he doesn't want to do. "I am free," he declares.
As Björn plays with Emily, Dragan slowly roasts to death in the boot of the car! "It was a great day for me and my daughter."
The next day Björn is woken by his daughter and he makes pancakes. In the car, Emily complains about the bad smell (obviously Dragan’s rotting corpse!). Björn has a string of voice messages including one from cop Nicole, but he just ignores them all to focus on his daughter. He drops Emily off with his wife Katharina.
"I'd never given much thought to corpse disposal. It was a new situation for me," he ponders as he gets back in his car. As he's about to pull away, Toni, one of Dragan's goons, blocks him with his car. Toni wants to know where Dragan is but Björn says he promised to keep his location private. Toni wants action against their rivals, and Björn says he’ll pass on the message. Toni wonders what the bad smell is and Björn bluffs he has some meat that's gone off.
He returns to the holiday home to get rid of Dragan’s body. How do you get a body out of a boot, though? After some comedy efforts, Björn finds a way. With that problem solved, he dons a protective suit and finds a handy chainsaw. He goes back to his mindfulness teaching to get through the gruesome task, but then he vomits! Focus on your breath Björn! He has another go and this time he starts slicing through Dragan's corpse. He then starts shredding his body but then remembers Dragan’s thumb! He needs to save the thumbprint so he can pose as Dragan.
Back at the police station, we discover that the fisherman Björn was waving to in the lake was in fact a cop taking surveillance footage! Luckily he stopped filming before Björn started chucking Dragan’s remains into the lake!
Back at the lake, Björn set fire to his clothes to cover his tracks. Björn searches his conscience and finds he's absolutely fine with killing Dragan. But then a raven swoops down and takes Dragan’s finger with his ring on it!
Murder Mindfully is on Netflix now. Check out our best shows on Netflix guide for more series to enjoy.