Mission Mangal, starring Akshay Kumar and actors Sonakshi Sinha, Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari and Nithya Menen, inspired a series of memes on social media soon after the release of its trailer. Now, Mumbai Police and Rajasthan Police are using Mission Mangal memes to spread awareness about road safety.
Mumbai Police shared a meme based on actor Dalip Tahl’s line of dialogue from the film’ s trailer. It said, “Drunk friend: I can drive home safely. Me: The chances of this mission succeeding is less than 1%.”
Poori duniya se kaho copy that! #MissionRoadSafety pic.twitter.com/ICgchHW5Uh
— Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) July 19, 2019
This got a thumbs up from the actor himself. Dalip reacted to the post saying, “Copy that! Anyone even considering driving under the influence of alcohol, I’ll say... ABORT! Abort the mission NOW! #MissionRoadSafety.”
Many praised the Mumbai Police for the idea. Discouraging drink driving, a user commented to the post, “Dont forget that misson was successful and became a history,,,and you may not succeed but may become a part of history,,,#missionroadsafety.”
Rajasthan Police also used Akshay Kumar’s meme based on his line, “Puri duniya se kaho copy that” during the rocket launch in the film. The police’s account tweeted, “Wear #helmet & #seatbelt while driving & follow #TrafficRules! And @akshaykumar would say ‘Copy That!’ We join him in this chorus of #MissionMangal.”
Wear #helmet⛑ & #seatbelt💺 while driving🚘 & follow #TrafficRules!
— Rajasthan Police (@PoliceRajasthan) July 19, 2019
And @akshaykumar would say 'पूरी दुनिया से कहो, Copy That!'
We join him in this chorus of #MissionMangal👭👬#FridayThoughts@MORTHIndia @sonakshisinha@taapsee @vidya_balan @IamKirtiKulhari @MenenNithya pic.twitter.com/Fp3bV1HB4s
Mission Mangal will tell the story of women scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation who contributed to the Mars Orbiter Mission and is set to hit the theatres on Independence Day, August 15. It also stars Sharman Joshi and HG Dattatreya. It has been directed by Jagan Shakti and co-produced by Akshay, R Balki along with Aruna Bhatia and Anil Naidu.
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First Published: Jul 20, 2019 14:03 IST