A mother whose two young children were killed by a drunk driver has celebrated the birth of a surprise baby.
Rhiannon Lucas, 26, says her daughter Summer-Gracie is a “gift” sent from the heavens by her late children Gracie-Ann and Jayden-Lee.
Gracie-Ann, four, and three-year-old Jayden-Lee were sat in the back of their family car travelling home from a birthday party in February last year when they were killed.
The family had pulled over onto the hard shoulder on the M4 motorway when they were struck by van driver Martin Newman, 41, who who was twice over the drink driving limit and had cocaine in his system after partying the night before.
Gracie-Ann died the following day and Jayden the next week from catastrophic injuries in the smash, reports Wales Online.

Rhiannon said: "Our family has been to hell because of Martin Newman's selfish actions but this little girl has given us hope and brought us back to life."
But Rhiannon, who herself suffered liver and kidney injuries in the crash, was overwhelmed to learn in September last year she was expecting again. Her partner Adam Saunders, 28, said the unexpected pregnancy was "something to keep us sane".
The couple have now welcomed Summer-Gracie Lucas-Saunders, who was due on Gracie-Ann's actual birthday, 10 April, but arrived early on March 30, 2023.

Rhiannon, from Tredegar, south Wales, said: "I was in complete shock when I found out I was pregnant. It was a big surprise but wonderful all the same. I wasn't sure I'd be able to have another child because of my injuries. I knew it was going to be a little girl because I had a craving for chilli all the time - exactly the same as when I'd been carrying Gracie-Ann.
"I was in labour for five hours before she was born. It was very, very emotional. I felt Gracie-Ann and Jayden-Lee in the room right there with us too. She was just a tiny 6lb but absolutely perfect. I chose her name Summer because she resembles warmth and sunshine. She's so beautiful.
"When you lose everything and then you get something to hold onto, there’s really no way to be able to describe it. The birth wasn't easy and I haemorrhaged afterwards and had to go for surgery but thankfully everything worked out ok and we are both fine.
"I still live with so much pain, but Summer-Gracie, has brought joy into our lives again. She's given us hope. I've taken her to the graves of Gracie-Ann and Jayden-Lee and I know they are close. I can feel them around me all the time. It's Jayden-Lee's birthday on 6 May and I will take Summer-Gracie to his grave with flowers and balloons."

Adam, who is a call centre worker for a bank, said: "When I held Summer-Gracie for the first time I was just blown away and broke down. She's a wonderful little girl and I'm so happy. She's brought joy back into our lives."
Newman was jailed for nine years and four months for two charges of causing death by dangerous driving at Cardiff Crown Court. He further admitted seriously injuring their mother Rhiannon.
The painter and decorator had been drinking at a Travelodge into the early hours - and even took a sip of wine in his cup holder while driving. He was staying at the hotel near Leicester for work when he went back to his room and drank ten cans of Strongbow and took cocaine until 5am.
Dad-of-two Newman attempted to go to work the following morning but was too "tired, drained and hungover." He decided to make the journey back to Bridgend, with a bottle of wine in his cup holder - and smashed into the back of the family car on the hard shoulder of the M4 near Newport.