A pizza delivery driver knocked down part of a wall after reversing in a bid to turn around. Mum Gemma Dixon watched the drama unfold after talking delivery of pizzas from Domino's.
Gemma says the two employees in the car had reversed into her next door neighbour's drive in an attempt to turn around and had misjudged the turn. Gemma told ChronicleLive: "He was stuck on the wall and he had knocked half of it off. He's just totally misjudged it. We were in absolute shock. With his car being stuck on the wall, my priority was to help him.
"Why he went on her drive instead of up the street I don't know, there was no need. It's rude when people reverse into your drive and turn around."

Gemma is unhappy with how the situation has been handled. (Image: Chonicle Live)
Domino's has since issued an apology and has sent a tradesman to fix the wall after being contacted by ChronicleLive.
A spokesman for Domino's said: "At Domino’s we take road safety very seriously, and all store drivers are licensed and fully insured when making deliveries.

The damage caused to the wall outside Gemma's flat (Image: Chonicle Live)
"We are sorry about the damage caused by the team member in this case and have been in touch with the owner of the wall to offer our sincere apologies and to confirm that we’ll cover all the costs to fix it as soon as possible.
"A regional manager has also spoken to the driver involved to remind them of the correct process to follow on the rare occasion that incidents like this happen."